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Do you ever play retro games?

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I ended up getting a game for the PS4 that has Galaga , Galaxian, Astoroids and Pac Man and i think a couple of others......
I love the old school games.
Or could be Defender? You know that impossibly hard game that most people lasted about 60 seconds before they were blasted to a million pieces. Anyway, you had to protect your humanoids on the ground from being picked up by alien ships.
I really remember playing that non stop on my parent's apple 2e, also there is one of where the robot shoots in many directions, and you have to kill other robots to advance.. Load Runner, I played eariler this year :)
very rarely do I play retro games unless I am using an emulator. If I have an emulator to play the games, I do sometimes
Or could be Defender? You know that impossibly hard game that most people lasted about 60 seconds before they were blasted to a million pieces. Anyway, you had to protect your humanoids on the ground from being picked up by alien ships.
Now you mentioned it, I remember playing this a few times.
Has anyone ever managed to land on the carrier or successfully refuel on the NES Top Gun game? I'm convinced it's impossible. I follow the instructions and it always fails.


Other than that, I'm trying to scour vendor malls for any non-Steam titles, where the disc actually has the real game on it, not requiring 30GB downloads or patches/updates. Like de-Steamed Half Life or Portal.

Being a deer lover, I always enjoyed Deer Avenger 2.

Has anyone ever managed to land on the carrier or successfully refuel on the NES Top Gun game? I'm convinced it's impossible. I follow the instructions and it always fails.

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It's possible, but I never could do it. I remember playing this game years ago growing up and when I got to these 2 parts I just handed the controller over to my buddy and he did it easy peasy.
My dad managed once, but I'm convinced it was dumb luck, as he could never succeed after, and I never could. I even tried once around 2010 to play it in an emulator, with better controls, but still failed. I even tried reading the PDF of the manual, but it said nothing helpful. I never did get to level 2 much, often I had enough lives or rather life left after failing the carrier landing to make it there, only to be immediately shot down seconds later. I think I got to refueling once, but it made even less sense, given it gave no instructions whatsoever, and you were eventually abandoned and left to run out of fuel and crash.

I never knew how many levels truly existed, and hear it's a rather lacklustre game, but it was the first flight simulator for the Nintendo, and at the time looked amazing, well, at least to me. I love vintage stuff, but I can't play Atari 2600 stuff or original NES stuff at all since the graphics really didn't age well. I never even knew how I managed the 2600 at the time, I must have read the manuals a lot, given that's the only real depth to a game library where the only things you see on-screen are lines, dots, and really odd shapes. How that could be made into an RPG like Adventure escapes me. I don't pretend to know the full-specs of the 2600 VCS, but part of me thinks it could have done a whole lot more, but more budget was placed into the amazing art seen on the game boxes than the games themselves.

I know everyone else hated it, but I quite liked the Atari Pac-Man game. I also remembered enough of it to recognize how many 1990s sitcoms used to dub the sound effects of specifically the Atari Pac-Man port onto whatever game console the characters would be seen playing, so it was oddly hilarious that the Sega Genesis that you see in an episode of Family Matters is emitting those sounds. That particular game at least looked like a game and made decent sounds, so it proved that the VCS was capable of a lot better than we got in the early '80s.
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Some of the time, you can feel the melody with like all the classic 90s songs on each video game though..
Everything is deeply connected somehow through discorded games...
What about those that are like was made in 2000s ? Or 1990s on the super nintendo?
There are many fans of 'stickerbush symphony' from DKC 2, from the SNES.

The most recent game that had a beautiful soundtrack for me was everybody's gone to the rapture from Jessica Curry, beautiful music for a beautiful 'story sim'. that title was developed by The Chinese Room, who also developed Dear Esther as well.

More modernish titles such as Gone Home and Firewatch have excellent soundtracks by Chris Remo
Has anyone tried Starfield for Xbox X/S series, my buddy is playing it and says it's a nice game...... I can't play it because they did not make it for the Xbox One series ?
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