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Does your boss hate your smartphone???

if my boss hates my phone its because of my notification ringer (rubber duckie) or ringtone (Porn star dancing, but it rarely goes off). technically we arent supposed to be on our phones, but noone really enforces it. the guys in the field have to have them incase something happens.

Man, don't rock the boat! Put your phone on vibrate! :D
I think it depends what kind of job you do. If you have to constantly deal with customers, using your cellphone in their presence (even if they don't need help) is considered very unprofessional. If your job requires you on the phone as you're always on the move and need to keep in contact with colleagues and/or clients, then that's another story.

If your boss treats anyone that uses cellphones on the job with distaste, then it's not just your smartphone that he hates. If all of the other guys can use theirs and you can't...than that'd be an issue.

Very well stated. :) I agree that it all depends on what type of job one has. Most guys I work with are not into these smartphones. The type of work we do is a factory environment and our machine can take 15 minutes to 3 hours to complete a part. As some here may know I like to sometimes write, I got chewed out for writing with a pen and paper! It's just them being petty in my opinion. I understand that we are paid to be there, but there is a fine balance between rules and being petty. Some employers just don't care about employees moral. I (Like many others) just have to sit there doing nothing. :eek:
if my boss hates my phone its because of my notification ringer (rubber duckie) or ringtone (Porn star dancing, but it rarely goes off). technically we arent supposed to be on our phones, but noone really enforces it. the guys in the field have to have them incase something happens.

haha, I love my ringtone (my baby niece laughing her little head off) but it gets a bit embarrassing because people think there's a baby in the office when I forget to put it in vibrate mode.

I'm looking for a new job right now anyways. I'm following the "If you don't like it here then leave" ! lol
We work 6 days a week ten hours a day. Hopefully I can find a job that has less hours. :)
Good luck Satires!!!
Very well stated. :) I agree that it all depends on what type of job one has. Most guys I work with are not into these smartphones. The type of work we do is a factory environment and our machine can take 15 minutes to 3 hours to complete a part. As some here may know I like to sometimes write, I got chewed out for writing with a pen and paper! It's just them being petty in my opinion. I understand that we are paid to be there, but there is a fine balance between rules and being petty. Some employers just don't care about employees moral. I (Like many others) just have to sit there doing nothing. :eek:

Our boss refuses to give us email on our phones because he feels we'll use it in front of customers. He is extremely reluctant to give us cell phones at all, but knows that they are extremely handy tools when you're out on in the field.
Lost time from cell phone use is a serious management problem, especially among hourly workers. From a strictly analytic viewpoint, An hourly worker's value to the company is based on how much work they accomplish in a given time period and are compensated based on that time. Anything that is not specifically for the benefit of the company during that time is an expense directly effecting the bottom line.

Management on the other hand is generally salaried and is a task based paradigm. They are compensated to perform specific functions within a specific time frame. It is often the case that management will work beyond normal business hours without additional compensation, so their time is not so stringently managed as an hourly employee who would receive additional pay and possibly overtime for working late.

From a company standpoint, the impact of personal cell phone use (or Facebook, net surfing, reading graphic novels, crocheting, or any other non-work activity) during company hours is much more detrimental among the hourly staff that those collecting a salary, although those collecting a salary should know better (of course, many abuse the privilege).

I understand where you're coming from. I think it just depends on the type of work you do and how much integrity employees have. By integrity, I mean getting the job done efficiently and not abusing their privilege. But as we all know, there will always be those that wreck it for others by not getting their job done...
Our boss refuses to give us email on our phones because he feels we'll use it in front of customers. He is extremely reluctant to give us cell phones at all, but knows that they are extremely handy tools when you're out on in the field.

Yeah, I think supervisors like this fail to realize these phones do so much more than web and email.

For instance, I got a grocery shopping list app, note pad widget, my note for my job on my sd card, calender and so much more (As you already know being a smartphone enthusiast) :)

It's become a sin just having it in my hand. He like other supervisors are just being presumptuous thinking one is on the web. :(
You're lucky. I show up early, work late and get no lunch break or any other break throughout the day most days. Then I go home do paperwork and even more work for a couple of hours a lot of days. Then I get told I need to work harder.

I should PM you a link to a couple of satire posts I wrote about employers! :D I don't know your type of humor, but there's a lot of cussing in those articles (For humor). Let me know if you want the links. :)
Any open positions??? (Kidding) We had one guy that quit after two weeks cuz he was so addicted to facebook. He got lucky and got into another place that didn't mind smartphones being used, long as one got their work done. :)

That's how it is with us. As long as the work is done, they couldn't care less. On their network they block sites they don't want us to visit, but they recently started allowing youtube again.
They still block facebook, twitter, etc. That doesn't bother me because I don't use them.
That's how it is with us. As long as the work is done, they couldn't care less. On their network they block sites they don't want us to visit, but they recently started allowing youtube again.
They still block facebook, twitter, etc. That doesn't bother me because I don't use them.

My work place is the opposite. I can access to social medias (FB, Twitter, G+) but any 3rd party mail sites and video sites are restricted. Also, anything with 'game' in the url.
I work for a company that builds custom PCs. They don't mind if we use our phones as long as we're not talking longer than about 15 minutes, and our quality doesn't degrade.

I don't text or call at work though. In fact, I keep my phone docked in my work bay pretty much at all times, with my music on.
My work place is the opposite. I can access to social medias (FB, Twitter, G+) but any 3rd party mail sites and video sites are restricted. Also, anything with 'game' in the url.

We also can't access any free software sites.
Plus some of the things they are filtering is a bit off.
Last week I was searching for the syntax of a vms command. The url I clicked was blocked due to, as the message stated "sex education grades k-12".

I have no idea what vms and sex ed have in common.
Things are pretty lax where I work. As long as I get my stuff done by the deadline, personal phone usage is mostly overlooked. I am a spurt worker anyways, periods of intense efficiency and productivity, broken by short intervals of "rest", where I casually look over what I did, and usually catch a mistake here or there. My quality is better this way, than going all out for 10 hours straight each day, so my output isn't really affected.
We also can't access any free software sites.
Plus some of the things they are filtering is a bit off.
Last week I was searching for the syntax of a vms command. The url I clicked was blocked due to, as the message stated "sex education grades k-12".

I have no idea what vms and sex ed have in common.

Our work filter blocks sites for food. Pizzahut.com and papajohns.com are both banned sites at my office. Cracks me up.
That's how it is with us. As long as the work is done, they couldn't care less. On their network they block sites they don't want us to visit, but they recently started allowing youtube again.
They still block facebook, twitter, etc. That doesn't bother me because I don't use them.

People actually follow twitter? lol I just post my links and go. :D
I should PM you a link to a couple of satire posts I wrote about employers! :D I don't know your type of humor, but there's a lot of cussing in those articles (For humor). Let me know if you want the links. :)

No prob, I'll take that as a "No" :D
I can't use my phone at work except for breaks. I facilitate conference calls and webinars, and phone signals interfere with the equipment we use and the feedback bleeds into the calls and recordings. However, we can surf the net as long as it doesn't interfere with our duties. For example, if we miss a cue where the client wants to take questions and answers because we're busy web surfing we get written up.
I was rolled up on by the veep of my company last year while answering an email on the clock. He was pissed and lit into me about it. My take in my situation is that I devote myself to the company for 6 days a week, 12 hours a day. I don't have time to take care of my business outside of work hours. They have to understand that I will make the time while on the clock to do what I have to do. If that isn't good enough, even if it opposes company policy, then I'll find another job. Simple as that.
I was rolled up on by the veep of my company last year while answering an email on the clock. He was pissed and lit into me about it. My take in my situation is that I devote myself to the company for 6 days a week, 12 hours a day. I don't have time to take care of my business outside of work hours. They have to understand that I will make the time while on the clock to do what I have to do. If that isn't good enough, even if it opposes company policy, then I'll find another job. Simple as that.

I agree with you! As long as your work performance is up to par, it should be no ones business what you do.

I always get that grey area bit thrown in my face we are on "Their" time. I get it! My position on this whole thing is positive employee moral. If one has a boss that's power tripping, that makes for poor moral and in some cases sub par performance from an employee. It's fine balance.

If I owned a company? Those that had excellent performance wouldn't be bothered, I would however single those out with poor performance. It would be a privileged based policy based on individual performance.

Depending on the type of work, employers need to realize these phone with some individuals encompass their life. Meaning, maybe I need to make a check book entry I forgot about, maybe I need to make a note on my note pad as a reminder (To do list), maybe I need to make a quick entry into my shopping list app. I mean the list is endless! lol

But, the power hungry sociopathic behavior shall carry on cuz that's just how a lot of people that hold any amount of power over others are... :)
I can't use my phone at work except for breaks. I facilitate conference calls and webinars, and phone signals interfere with the equipment we use and the feedback bleeds into the calls and recordings. However, we can surf the net as long as it doesn't interfere with our duties. For example, if we miss a cue where the client wants to take questions and answers because we're busy web surfing we get written up.

Sounds fair. :) Always be very respectful when given privileges like that. :)
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