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Help Does your Thunderbolt take forever to start?

How long does it take to bootup your phone?

  • 1 minute or less

    Votes: 12 27.3%
  • 2 minutes or less

    Votes: 14 31.8%
  • Over 2 minutes

    Votes: 18 40.9%

  • Total voters
Just wondering why dont you want fast boot on?

It says it something about it turns off some Market apps when enabled, and sometimes I'll power down my phone to finish the bump charge, and I didn't want fast boot's 'hibernation' mode screwing that up. If it doesn't affect anything, I'll definitely be switching it to on.

Also, by shutting the phone down while on fastboot, it doesn't clear the memory, it just stays stored (But then again, this phone has PLENTY of memory that that isn't a problem now).
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Please post and vote in the poll on your bootup times from a restart.

I performed a factory reset recently and before I set anything up or added anything, it was taking about 1 minute to bootup. As soon as I added apps and such, my cold bootup time went up drastically. It now takes about 2 1/2 minutes.

Does anyone else notice this? Does it take anyone else as long to bootup?

Reason I ask is because I want to see if it may be an app that I have or something that is causing it to take this long.

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Let's not get technical. If you're smart enough to be on Android, you're smart enough to figure it out. This isn't an iPhone forum.
Lol you are my hero for that post. Ya, my phone seems to take forever to turn on after battery pulls or dead battery which dead battery i understand but i hit the power button like 9 million times some times it viberates and does only that. :/
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My Thunderbolt (unrooted) takes a very long time to start up (yes, I know about fast boot, but don't want to use it), and was wondering if that's the case with anybody else. Takes probably three times as long to startup than my Incredible did.

Mine used to take a while to start up till i checked the fast boot box. Sometimes though it seems to go back to taking forever, so i uncheck the box then check it again and its fine.
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Takes a while for mine to boot up.

I don't enable fastboot because I don't understand it. If it causes no problems with the phone it wouldn't be fastboot - it just be the normal bootup. Something else is going on with that feature.
It seems to me that the fastboot is like sleep mode on your computer. Some battery life is used to preserve the status of the phone in RAM and then upon reboot, the phone is put back to basically that state.
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based on my experience and the responses here, it sounds like "slow boot" is a relative term. compared to a blackberry the boot time is like lightning (no pun intended). compared to the first gen moto droid, still pretty damn fast. i'm sure there are some other androids out there with quicker boot times, but overall i'm quite pleased with the boot time. yeah, it sticks on the clouds for a few moments, but nothing to be upset about (for me).

i'd have to go back to verify, but if i remember correctly the boot time for the Inc was a bit faster.

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