Stinky, since you adopt rescues, I think you're entitled to remove one "Stinky" from your name, no way do you double stink!
Good for you, that's a big heart. Both of my SO's setters are rescues, too.
Haha lol thanks buddy
I wanted to choose only one "Stinky" but it was already taken lol xD
So I had no other choice to double it looooool xD
I was wondering what other kind of names I could use that seem more suiting
I also jokingly used to call Jessie (my 1st rescue dog) "Stinky Pork Chop" because she was always a little bit stinky... she had a very bad habit of rolling in her own (and other creatures! :'( ) pooooooo
PHEW she was so scary rolling in hers and other dogs (and humans from many homeless people in SA on walks) and her own poo shaw she was very naughty and had a very bad habit of rolling in her poo...
VERY stinky dog! xD
We got Jessie cremated ... I blurred out my name so you don't know who I am
I miss her so much... the hardest part is saying good bye
I was so broken and sad sleeping all alone... that after Schnoogy / Jessie / Stinky-schnoogs passed away I almost promised I wouldn't get another doggy...
But there was this huge hole in my heart and the house was so freakishly quiet... I couldn't resist getting more bubbas
I might change my name to "Stinkyy" with a double y if you think it is more suiting
Yes I am an extremely caring person... my name is there to trick people into falsely believing that I am jerk... I
am like a little angel in a way