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Domestic Propaganda

Last time I guess since I'm failing to get my point across.

1. Confidentiality agreements are irrelevant. Everyone signs them. I've signed confidentiality agreements and NDAs for my last two employers. It's not unusual.

2. None of this ties to Limbaugh at all. Have any of these anonymous actors claimed they have called the Limbaugh show? Have they claimed that other paid actors have called the Limbaugh show? No. Limbaugh denies it. Premiere claims the service is for voice talent - "Premiere On Call is a recently launched audio service connecting local entertainment radio stations with great voice talent to supplement their programming needs. The service is not utilized by News/Talk programs or stations." That is a reasonable explanation given that they're a radio syndication company. Nothing blows the null hypothesis away here. Even if you have proof that that they've called shows in the past, none of this is any proof that Limbaugh's show has been one of them.

I'm sorry, but you haven't connected the dots here. Assuming for the sake of argument that Premiere OnCall is for fake callers, there's nothing at all linking it to Limbaugh. This is an extremely weak case based solely on conjecture. The premise is believable, but that doesn't make it true. You've got pure conjecture and none of it blows holes in the null hypothesis.
Your source: "Radio Ink is a radio-industry trade publication that is published bi-weekly for the radio management sector of the radio broadcasting industry. Its mission is to provide relevant management information, tips, and ideas for those operating radio stations." Radio Ink Magazine

The subsequent description of the service after the story broke differs in the service offered prior to the scandal, i.e. when they were caught red handed.

Caveat emptor to the listeners. If there's money to be made in deceiving you, you will be deceived.
During the Republican convention in Tampa, the GOP rolled out its narrative as the freedom-loving, patriotic, optimistic party of the future versus the divisive, big government, freedom-hating, stuck-in-the-past party of President Obama.

From Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney to Republican Marco Rubio, the Spanish-speaking Florida senator whose parents hail from Cuba, to a slightly off-kilter and aged actor Clint Eastwood, the evening of Aug. 30 in Tampa, Fla., was about the greatness of America, the hard work of Americans, the vision of Americans and the great future for this country.
The only problem with the narrative is it was a fairytale of epic proportions designed to appeal to people who look like the almost lily-White audience that heard the speeches and sanctioned Romney as Republican candidate for president.

In a country with a growing non-White population, the crowd wasn’t diverse unless you count the type of clothing worn by delegates.

One thing is for certain, he's telling everybody his true intentions as President.

1. He's going to appeal Obamacare. Even though his plan was similar in MA.
2. If you do not make over $200,000 per year, he have no help for you.
3. He do not care for anybody who's in the 47 percentage group(under middle-class)

Those who intend on voting for him and not making over $200,000 is wasting their vote.
Meanwhile Obama has proved he is equally out of touch by agreeing with Romney that $200,000 is where the middle class is. Good times. Once again we must choose between being shot in the head and dying immediately or being shot in the gut and dying slowly. And we're supposed to be happy with our choice.
Obama has set his definition for ''middle class'' as families with income of up to $250,000 a year
That is a big different as up to and $200,000 on up. Romney is saying starting at 200,000.
Meanwhile Obama has proved he is equally out of touch by agreeing with Romney that $200,000 is where the middle class is. Good times. Once again we must choose between being shot in the head and dying immediately or being shot in the gut and dying slowly. And we're supposed to be happy with our choice.

"GOV. SCOTT WALKER: Because you just divide and conquer."" is conservatives solution to unite.
Meanwhile Obama has proved he is equally out of touch by agreeing with Romney that $200,000 is where the middle class is. Good times. Once again we must choose between being shot in the head and dying immediately or being shot in the gut and dying slowly. And we're supposed to be happy with our choice.

Yeah that is ridiculous. Still dont understand this aversion to raising taxes on people making below this amount either.
yes its definitely better to wait til youre told what your opinion should be rather than watching and forming your own
CIA Operation Mockingbird continues to this day.

Lame Stream Media will tell you the whistleblower are traitors and brainwashing makes your life safer.

Its nice to see such cooperation between Corporate America and the State, bet it would bring tears to the eyes of the Robber Barons of the 19th century. Today's Robber Barons enjoy the privatization of profit and socialization of losses in today's America.

The Age of the Robber Barons is back, well at least since 1981, no longer in the closet.

Carl Bernstein

"Among the executives who lent their cooperation to the Agency were Williarn Paley of the Columbia Broadcasting System, Henry Luce of Tirne Inc., Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times, Barry Bingham Sr. of the LouisviIle Courier‑Journal, and James Copley of the Copley News Service. Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA include the American Broadcasting Company, the National Broadcasting Company, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps‑Howard, Newsweek magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald‑Tribune.

By far the most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc."
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