I have thought about this for at least 12 minutes.
The good doctor should have never, EVER used Propofol. Or had it in his bag. Or near MJ. As most here likely know, that drug is Hella dangerous. I have spoken with a few people that think they know about the dangers of Propofol and they often minimize its potential for death.
I read where MJ had the drug, or the doctor gave it to him, or kept it near him so MJ could get to it, or MJ injected himself, or or, or . . . Not sure about the truth.
I do think MJ is not worth the bother. Talented to be sure, but lots of better folks pass on and apparently, unless you are a big arse star, few really care.
The fans, his family, his entourage, his hanger-ons must be held accountable for his death in my view. People wanted to own a piece of MJ or wanted bragging rights that came with working for MJ. I think far too many people put his safety and health and happiness on the back burner. They were concerned with their own agenda, not MJ's.
MJ could not walk the streets without being mobbed or trampled to death by fans. MJ had a terrible childhood, incredible demands on his time, and a father that was not a good man.
He was never a kid; he was a huge star from his earliest days and almost without a break to speak of until he died. He wanted to please the world, he had an unusual interest in children, he spent vast fortunes without being told no (tell MJ NO, and apparently, you are looking for a new job)
I am not at all amazed he died as he died or became so very screwed up.
I am glad it is over. For the most part. Until the books.