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Dr. Murray found guilty!


Android Enthusiast
Dr. Murray was found guilty of being responsible for Michael Jackson's death. What are your thoughts? Personally I think justice was served. As a doctor, you are held to a higher standard. No doctor should be giving Anesthesia to a patient at home no matter how much they beg, or how much money they give you.
This doctor seemed really incompetent. From what I heard MJ could've been saved if the doctor had performed the chin-lift technique that's taught many grade schools across the country. Having said that, what needs to happen next is the school where this doctor was taught needs to be investigated, and the board that licensed him also needs to be investigated. I'm sure there are more "doctors" such as Conrad Murray that are out there dispensing inappropriate medicines without doing their jobs properly.

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Yeah but "Guily" doesn't sound as bad as "Guilty"...it's like he was Guilty cause the fact that he had a medical license was downright "Silly"!
Sure what the Dr did was wrong but mj is as much in the wrong as this Dr is. After all he saught out someone like this guy to do what he wanted. So I say blame him as much as the Dr. So mj got what he deserved.
Sure what the Dr did was wrong but mj is as much in the wrong as this Dr is. After all he saught out someone like this guy to do what he wanted. So I say blame him as much as the Dr. So mj got what he deserved.

So you're saying the doctor deserves a death sentence? ;) :p

I definitely see your point though. But there are a lot of doctors out there that will prescribe anything to a patient that bugs them enough. You can go to a doctor right now and tell them you can't sleep (even if you are just lying) and they'll be quick to prescribe you any of the sleeping pills they have access to. I think between the big drug companies and demanding patients, some doctors will dispense just about anything especially if it means they don't have to actually do "doctor-ish" things like checking for any causes of your symptoms. I guess that's why it's called a "practice", cause they're practicing at making money.
I just think it should be taken in to consideration the patients actions to. To many people pointing at the Dr when its the patients who look for this. After all no Dr is going to say oh can't sleep let me give you something that will put you in a coma. He knew what he wanted and yeah sure the Dr should have known better.
This Dr should be convicted and license revoked. At the same time blame the patient.
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Dr. Murray was found guilty of being responsible for Michael Jackson's death. What are your thoughts? Personally I think justice was served. As a doctor, you are held to a higher standard. No doctor should be giving Anesthesia to a patient at home no matter how much they beg, or how much money they give you.
The Doc deserves to do a little time and lose his license, but if it wasn't him it would have been some other doctor. $150K a month to be a celebrity hanger-on and play Dr. Feelgood? I sure there are plenty of other morally bankrupt doctors out there who would have jumped at the chance.
I found it interesting that one of the wealthiest among us retained one of the cheapest doctors. Cheap as to his credentials, not his fees.

The rest of Jackson's medical cadre were top of the line, from what I understand.

Hoping to not offend MJ fans, but I watched that guy butcher himself over the years from a vibrant, handsome African American young man into a faux Caucasion with virtually nothing left of his nose and African features he was born with.

His manner of death, his age and condition, did not surprise me, as the biggest mess he got into was not just his physical hackings but his ignored mental condition, already deeply psychological and treatable, but magnified by his drug and alcohol use.
I think it was proven that he was broke in the end as it came out he was in serious debt. His spending habits was outrageous compared to what he brought in. So don't surpise me that he got a cheap Dr.
I just think it should be taken in to consideration the patients actions to. To many people pointing at the Dr when its the patients who look for this. After all no Dr is going to say oh can't sleep let me give you something that will put you in a coma. He knew what he wanted and yeah sure the Dr should have known better.
This Dr should be convicted and license revoked. At the same time blame the patient.

I definitely have to agree with you, none of this would have happened in the first place if it weren't for both the doctor and patient.
I think it was proven that he was broke in the end as it came out he was in serious debt. His spending habits was outrageous compared to what he brought in. So don't surpise me that he got a cheap Dr.

MJ was still quite wealthy in 2006 when he retained Murray for one of his kids then hired him for himself.

He could have afforded a top rated specialist, as he had for other procedures and conditions.
I think Dr. Murray got what he deserved all though I think 4 years was not enough. When you become a doctor you have to take the oath to do no harm. He definately did harm. As a doctor he should have siad no to Micheal and got him help instead of taking money from him. The probafol was never intended for home use, certainly not for sleep issues. He should loose his license. Micheal needed pyschalogical help not a surgery drug for sleep problems.
I don't even know why this garbage is even making news. There are so many more important issues going on in the US, and we're all focusing on some stupid doctor that possibly killed Michael Jackson. It takes two-to-tango.
I don't even know why this garbage is even making news. There are so many more important issues going on in the US, and we're all focusing on some stupid doctor that possibly killed Michael Jackson. It takes two-to-tango.

Well.. I'm very interested in this case, for more than one reason. One is that it's healthcare and healthcare's regulations on the forefront.

Another is that it's a very popular entertainer, I admit. I was a fan of his when they were the Jackson Five and for several years after, as I saw him as quite an artist. Fred Astaire complimented him and expressed amazement at his moves, etc.

Another reason I'm interested in this is that it starts discussion about the intricate, complicated nature of how family issues early on can affect a person.
I have thought about this for at least 12 minutes.

The good doctor should have never, EVER used Propofol. Or had it in his bag. Or near MJ. As most here likely know, that drug is Hella dangerous. I have spoken with a few people that think they know about the dangers of Propofol and they often minimize its potential for death.

I read where MJ had the drug, or the doctor gave it to him, or kept it near him so MJ could get to it, or MJ injected himself, or or, or . . . Not sure about the truth.

I do think MJ is not worth the bother. Talented to be sure, but lots of better folks pass on and apparently, unless you are a big arse star, few really care.

The fans, his family, his entourage, his hanger-ons must be held accountable for his death in my view. People wanted to own a piece of MJ or wanted bragging rights that came with working for MJ. I think far too many people put his safety and health and happiness on the back burner. They were concerned with their own agenda, not MJ's.

MJ could not walk the streets without being mobbed or trampled to death by fans. MJ had a terrible childhood, incredible demands on his time, and a father that was not a good man.

He was never a kid; he was a huge star from his earliest days and almost without a break to speak of until he died. He wanted to please the world, he had an unusual interest in children, he spent vast fortunes without being told no (tell MJ NO, and apparently, you are looking for a new job)

I am not at all amazed he died as he died or became so very screwed up.

I am glad it is over. For the most part. Until the books.
Well.. I'm very interested in this case, for more than one reason. One is that it's healthcare and healthcare's regulations on the forefront.

Another is that it's a very popular entertainer, I admit. I was a fan of his when they were the Jackson Five and for several years after, as I saw him as quite an artist. Fred Astaire complimented him and expressed amazement at his moves, etc.

Another reason I'm interested in this is that it starts discussion about the intricate, complicated nature of how family issues early on can affect a person.

Aren't you in the HC business, Frisco? If so, what do you think of Propofol? Some people seem to think it is just a strong painkiller or sedative.
I think Dr. Murray got what he deserved all though I think 4 years was not enough. When you become a doctor you have to take the oath to do no harm. He definately did harm. As a doctor he should have siad no to Micheal and got him help instead of taking money from him. The probafol was never intended for home use, certainly not for sleep issues. He should loose his license. Micheal needed pyschalogical help not a surgery drug for sleep problems.

I can agree with that.

My only tick is, was he was found guilty because of what he did or was found guilty because finding him (cough OJ) would have created violent reactions (cough OJ) and the jurors wanted to sleep at night without worrying about drive by Moon Walks or perhaps shootings.

Any doctor as careless as this one needs to be punished. Perhaps it will send a message to other 'Doctors To The Stars.'
I don't even know why this garbage is even making news. There are so many more important issues going on in the US, and we're all focusing on some stupid doctor that possibly killed Michael Jackson. It takes two-to-tango.

I never understood why people click on a link pertaining to a certain subject only to post..."YAWN", or "WGAF?". I mean it's obvious that you have some interest in the subject matter since you clicked right?

But as far as Michael Jackson is concerned, it's easy to dismiss him as some sort of freak that deserved death. I look at it differently, especially when I see what is father was all about and what is father/family are STILL about.

MJ was put on a stage early by his father. Instead of MJ being able to enjoy his childhood he was prostituted by his father. After many years of performing, he just burned out and the only thing he could resort to was try to live the childhood that he was denied early in life.

Now I don't pretend to know what took place with Michael Jackson and all those children that were in his company but it does seem plausible that he got along with children because he was trying to enjoy the childhood that he never got to enjoy. That being said, you can always find grown women willing to role play that sort of stuff if that's your thing....if ya know whut I'm sayin.....

I still think that Joe Jackson is a greedy piece of garbage. I heard he even came out with a cologne shortly after MJ's death. Talk about trying to exploit your son's death for your personal gain.
I really don't think that you should ever blame the victim in a case like this.
The way I look at it, there was a patient who had a lot of money to pay a very unethical Dr. to give him whatever medical drug/procedure, he ordered.
It is probably true that if Dr Murray had denied him, he would have been out the door, and a more unethical Dr. would have been hired, but that does NOT excuse any Dr. for any unethical practice/procedure. Ethics should never be up for sale.
An ethical Dr. would NEVER have brought propofol into that house, as it is not supposed to be used outside of a hospital setting, and it is my understanding that it is a surgical anesthesia!
Doctors are trained in these matters, and patients are not! For that reason alone, Mr. Murray (might as well get used to his lack of title) should be held solely responsible.
If I go to a Dr. tomorrow and ask for something that will do me great harm, I would trust that an ethical Doctor would tell me no, as he should.
Aren't you in the HC business, Frisco? If so, what do you think of Propofol? Some people seem to think it is just a strong painkiller or sedative.

It's a drug commonly use in OR, as noted by news media. It's also prescribed as an evolved psychotropic med, as well as a coupling drug with various pain killers.

It is way, way over prescribed, being another of many lucrative drugs finding their way into the medicine cabinets of people who just want to have the latest high tech sleeping aid or feel-good med. Powerful stuff, as it virtually "twilights" patients undergoing some surgeries.

I'm amazed at how the medical community allows this sort of thing to proliferate, and it's an epidemic: patient demand, fed by pharmaceutical company PR. Shame.
Sorry but he knew the risks with that drug. Its not like the DR just sprung it on him W/O knowing. See thats the problem with people that has money. They dont know the word NO! Sure the DR shouldnt shave given him The stuff but at the same time MJ shouldnt have used his money or influence to make someone give him that drug. I am sure that DR didnt out right give him the drug. I am sure MJ worked him over with money and the oh dont worry no one will ever know. MJ was an addict plain and simple. Listen to the tape where he calls it what his honey or something? THere was no victim in this case. MJ got what he wanted and it killed him. Yes the DR is guilty on many ranges of charges but dont call MJ a victim.
Sorry but he knew the risks with that drug. Its not like the DR just sprung it on him W/O knowing. See thats the problem with people that has money. They dont know the word NO! Sure the DR shouldnt shave given him The stuff but at the same time MJ shouldnt have used his money or influence to make someone give him that drug. I am sure that DR didnt out right give him the drug. I am sure MJ worked him over with money and the oh dont worry no one will ever know. MJ was an addict plain and simple. Listen to the tape where he calls it what his honey or something? THere was no victim in this case. MJ got what he wanted and it killed him. Yes the DR is guilty on many ranges of charges but dont call MJ a victim.

You can't "make" another person do anything with your money or influence.
They always have a choice.
And...if MJ was an addict, I guess that makes Murray his pusher. Right?;)
I am not saying Murray isnt at fault but MJ was far from a victim. That's the problem with these private Dr's. You dont know whats going on behind closed doors with the rich and powerful. Theres not documentation nothing to show whats going on. Maybe the medical boards should monitor these types of Dr's more closely and look in to what they sign out of the pharmacy.
From what I have heard, MJ got addicted to the pain killers right after he was burned during that Pepsi commercial. Thus, what you have to ask yourself (especially if you're judging) if you were in pain and had enough money to save yourself the agony, would you throw money into using a medication that soothes the pain? At that point a doctor should be obligated to say, "I know you're in pain, but this drug is highly addictive. I am going to ween you off of it." This doctor just continued to feed MJ more and more drugs.

Another example is another MJ- Magic Johnson, is he a rich piece of garbage because he was able to overcome his HIV via money? Hell I'm sure Steve Jobs being rich had a lot to do with him jumping ahead of everyone for his transplant.

I'd say a lot of people have misplaced anger against MJ because of the child abuse allegations against him. Like I said, I don't know what happened and I suspect mostly everyone but the children that were with him won't know either so I can't use those allegations against MJ to indict him on how he should have known that taking a prescription drug that is highly addictive would eventually lead to his death. That's why doctors are in charge of prescribing such medicines.
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