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Droid and heat


Nov 1, 2009
I know heat has been discussed a lot, but I am experiencing my phone getting hot in my pocket when nothing is happening. The only thing I can think of is that there are live wallpapers running, and thus, making the processor work. Do live wallpapers alone cause heat for anyone else? I have only noticed heat since my 2.1 update, as I didn't have heat issues before, even when web browsing, etc. It always stayed fairly room temperature to the touch.
As Square and teschoen said, signal strength will cause your processor to work a little over time but it shouldnt be that bad. Do you have any apps running in the back ground? Your live wallpaper alone shouldn't effect the processor if it is off. There is possibly a problem with your phone itself as I have had 2.1 since day 1 and have run live wall papers and apps and stuff while it was locked (screen off) and had 0 heat issues.
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also make sure there aren't any apps that are transferring data. I noticed with WaveSecure, I was backing up some pictures which was taking a little bit so I just locked the screen and dropped it in my pocket... 3 minutes later my Droid was really warm. So with WaveSecure transferring those pictures on the internet, it made my droid a lot warmer than it should be.
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All good responses...thank you to all. It probably has a lot to do with signal. Although I don't know why weak signal would cause processor use to spike, I get that constantly searching for a signal can cause the phone to work overtime. That was probably it. I had terrible reception at my parent's house.
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