Android Expert
Is it possible that they are trying to push out the stock of Tbolts so they end of life it? If so do they have a special comp plan for pushing tbolts over Charge?
The funny thing is that I am getting ready to upgrade my original droid and am leaning very heavily towards the charge and not the tbolt.
I mean idk. I just think it is kind of bad sales manship and yes i know it's not a word lol.
My friend wanted to buy a Windows Phone 7, the Trophy, from Verizon today and asked the Rep could he purchase it and the rep point blank said.
"You are not going to like that. Compared to an Iphone or one of our Android devices."
So then of course me being the b.itch I am lol questioned him about why my friend would not like the HTC trophy and he gave me the most retar.ded ass explanation...
"Because it's not as popular as Iphones and Androids are."
I made a complaint to his manager and told him, that I'd imagine it's not as popular as Iphones and Androids seeing how it's not even been out a year.
Furthermore, most people who hate Windows Phone devices are people who never actually tried it and those who do own them, actually are loving them.
Reps like this idiot i dealt with today are precisely why i do 90% of my shopping(Cellphones, shoes, clothes or whatever) online and not in stores lol.