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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

Morning everyone. It's okay for you to have the top every now and then, I'm loving and giving. Just not too often, k? ;)
Repost from SF Lounge, but I wanna ask you guys because you're my friends:

My daughter needs a new fone. she'll be going from the verizon bb curve to verizon android. I really don't know what to get her. I'm of the opinion that the incredible, DX, D2 and samsung are great fones.

She wants call quality. I am thinking that the DX is best for that, but I think it may be too big for her. Help?

If I were to rate the phones, I'd put it this way. I may be wrong:

Fascinate, D2
Repost from SF Lounge, but I wanna ask you guys because you're my friends:

My daughter needs a new fone. she'll be going from the verizon bb curve to verizon android. I really don't know what to get her. I'm of the opinion that the incredible, DX, D2 and samsung are great fones.

She wants call quality. I am thinking that the DX is best for that, but I think it may be too big for her. Help?

If I were to rate the phones, I'd put it this way. I may be wrong:

Fascinate, D2
Here goes my <BIASED> opinion.

The Incredible is #1 (I get great call quality).
Fascinate might be next - haven't actually played with that particular Galaxy model.
DX (if it was smaller).
Haven't messed with the D2 but I'm anti-slide out keyboard.

In my opinion, all are great phones, it really comes down to personal preference. Have her spend some QUALITY one on one time with each and let her decide which she likes best.
morning buddy!
Repost from SF Lounge, but I wanna ask you guys because you're my friends:

My daughter needs a new fone. she'll be going from the verizon bb curve to verizon android. I really don't know what to get her. I'm of the opinion that the incredible, DX, D2 and samsung are great fones.

She wants call quality. I am thinking that the DX is best for that, but I think it may be too big for her. Help?

If I were to rate the phones, I'd put it this way. I may be wrong:

Fascinate, D2

Personally would flip that list around. X on bottom, Inc on top. No call quality issues on my end but you never know.... just saying:rolleyes::D

o yea... creeping up on 3k!
Well, I left the dinc because of call quality and I still hear complaints about it, which is why I put it on the bottom, but you're saying the quality is good.

The dx has the best battery life, and call quality, which is why I put it on the top. My fear is that it is too big for her, so I was leaning toward the d2, dinc or fascinate. I don't like the bing on the fascinate. Having a BB she gets great battery life. Boy is she going to be surprised when she goes to android.

Because she goes to classes and stuff and isn't around a plug much, maybe she should stay with the BB? Remember now, this is a situation where even though we're all android biased, I have to look above that and do the best thing for my daughter, as her father.
I'm a little prejudice because my call quality and battery life on my Incredible have always been excellent! Just one of the lucky ones I guess. Most ladies prefer the size and "sleekness" of the Incredible also.
Well, I left the dinc because of call quality and I still hear complaints about it, which is why I put it on the bottom, but you're saying the quality is good.

The dx has the best battery life, and call quality, which is why I put it on the top. My fear is that it is too big for her, so I was leaning toward the d2, dinc or fascinate. I don't like the bing on the fascinate. Having a BB she gets great battery life. Boy is she going to be surprised when she goes to android.

Because she goes to classes and stuff and isn't around a plug much, maybe she should stay with the BB? Remember now, this is a situation where even though we're all android biased, I have to look above that and do the best thing for my daughter, as her father.
Granted the battery life on the Incredible leaves much to be desired (note that I'm coming from a dumb phone that would last 2 weeks on a charge). I get around that by:

1) plugging in whenever I have the opportunity
2) carrying a spare battery

If she absolutely needs more battery life than what's available on the current android phones - perhaps BB:eek:. Though an extended battery is also an option.
My GF is a Realtor and so she uses her Inc constantly, mostly for calls and directions. She has the stock battery and only has to plug hers in at night and then it goes all day. I'm glad because I talked her into the Incredible and she is very happy with it! :D
My GF is a Realtor and so she uses her Inc constantly, mostly for calls and directions. She has the stock battery and only has to plug hers in at night and then it goes all day. I'm glad because I talked her into the Incredible and she is very happy with it! :D
I'd probably get better life from mine but I'm constantly fiddling with it (flashing ROMS, kernels, tweaking this and that). Also, I'm running a fake 1500mAH battery that is really a 1100mAH (Got 2 + external charger for $4 so I figured I'd run with them and keep the stock as backup). If I keep off the interwebz at work (poor 3G and no WiFi) I can usually last the day.
if your daughter can get past the sometimes issues on battery with the Dinc then i think the Dinc is the best choice or D2 for better battery.. ohh and i have great call quality too
Our Lounge is starting to sound like a "regular" work thread! We can't let that happen :)

A retired man went into the Job Center in Downtown Des Moines,
and saw a card advertising for a Gynecologist's Assistant.

Interested, he went in and asked the clerk for details.

The clerk pulled up the file and read;
"The job entails getting the ladies ready for the gynecologist. You have
to help the women out of their underwear, lay them down and carefully
wash their private regions, then apply shaving foam and gently shave off
the hair, then rub in soothing oils so they're ready for the
gynecologist's examination." "The annual salary is $65,000, and you'll
have to go to Billings , Montana ."

"Good grief; is that where the job is?"

"No sir -- that's where the end of the line is right now."
I had one of the worst weekends ever.... I may lose in fantasy football to NMayer!?!??!?!? Who'd of thunk it? Damn you Brandon Marshall! Oh well the Steelers won again, and have a pretty good chance of beating Baltimore this weekend !
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have all been waiting for! It's been a long time coming and it's finally here!

Wait for it...

It's coming, don't worry...


Now wasn't that worth the wait? :rolleyes:
I had one of the worst weekends ever.... I may lose in fantasy football to NMayer!?!??!?!? Who'd of thunk it? Damn you Brandon Marshall! Oh well the Steelers won again, and have a pretty good chance of beating Baltimore this weekend !
:D:p;) Bout time B Marshall came through for me!!
I bricked my phone yesterday and had to use sdf to get it back. I was back to 2.3.13 so now, as we speak, I'm restoring the rooted ota. It has a better radio, supposedly. But this is DX talk, sorry.
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