So my girlfriend is doing Weight Watchers and wanted me to do it with her, so at dinner I'm not eating a juicy bacon cheeseburger with all the fixin's while she's looking at a bowl of rabbit food.
I originally wasn't too happy about the whole "counting points" thing. If you aren't familiar with it, the WW diet assigns foods points values based on Fat, Calories, and Fiber. You have a set number of points per day (plus 35 "flex" per week) based on your age, weight/height, male vs female, activity level, etc. But, I decided to give it a go, too.. since I could stand to shed a few el-bees myself.
Let me tell you, there is NO way I would have been able to do this without my Incredible. I found this app called "
Calorie Counter" by FatSecret that has actually made this kind of fun. You go on their website and create an account, which syncs with the app.
The app has a barcode scanner, so you scan what you're eating and it finds it in the database of nutritional facts and puts it into your food diary and shows you whatever parameters you want displayed, keeping a daily total on the top. For me, I look at fat, calories, fiber, and WW points*.
If you don't have a barcode, the built in database search actually yields useful results as well. Plus it has a database of popular restaurants and their menus with nutritional facts to add, and meal suggestions! It is a LOT easier than manually adding and calculating point values with the slider-calculator Weight Watchers provides (there are even standalone points calculator apps if you need one).
Anyway it's even helping me eat slower since I spend some time getting my points/foods entered into the food diary in the app!
*Note: the newest update to the Calorie Counter app in the market removes support for WW Points. These have also been removed from their website! However, a combination of the previous version .apk and a clever Greasemonkey script I found have kept me truckin' with this setup! Feel free to PM me if you'd like the sources for those, I'd have to track them down again.