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Help Droid X - Sorting Apps??


Nov 23, 2008
OK...got my Droid X yesterday and absolutly LOVE this thing....it's got to be the best phone on the market!

Anyway, is anyone else having trouble in the application launcher where the applications arent sorting alphabetically? I can't figure out how to sort...I would have thought this was a default....not sure if it's because I restored my apps using MyBackUp Pro or not....
OK...got my Droid X yesterday and absolutly LOVE this thing....it's got to be the best phone on the market!

Anyway, is anyone else having trouble in the application launcher where the applications arent sorting alphabetically? I can't figure out how to sort...I would have thought this was a default....not sure if it's because I restored my apps using MyBackUp Pro or not....

Mine are sorting alphabetically. I would like to sort them my way if that was possible?
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