I have always maintained that the last thing politicians want are educated voters. Forget the blind love and hate for Romney and Obama and consider what would happen if voters actually paid attention, read their history, followed each speech, read the founding documents, ignored the web, paid attention to what the politico said he/she would do and what he/she actually did.
They decide that because this person lied about A, B, and C . . I will not vote for him. They forget party lines, race and flash and they actually did their research, fact checking and knew the bottom line, no spin, no BS, unvarnished truth.
They forget about the spin and the web and bloggers and BS and they actually looked at the facts and what really happened. If Obama says he is the best person to create jobs, rather than just agree, they look at the actual record.
Then they voted based upon the God's honest truth, not some well-spun BS version served up by a liberal press.
This would be the last thing politicians want because they would learn rather quickly that people are no longer sheep or fools or gullible morons; they pay attention to the facts and if I do not do what I said I would do, I am outta here, No Soup for Me!.
What a grand day that would be. When that actually happens, I will move to Narnia, about the only place it will happen.