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I received my helmet mount rearview mirror yesterday and my balaclava and pogies today. I think I'll be happy with my purchases. The mirror fastens to the helmet with a rubber clasp that is passed through a side hole of the helmet, around the mirror rod, and then again back through the hole. I have a feeling that if I wanted to ride with it always I would want for one that has a better mount. This will do nicely until it warms up, however. The pogies I think will work great. I was concerned about how much room was inside for the hand to get to the gear shifters, brake, and thumb throttle. I haven't mounted them yet but I think there is ample room to maneuver the hands within the wind blocking mitts. The balaclava is well made and the opening for the face is a vastly improved design from my old. I think it will do the job and be much more comfortable.
Take a pic so we can see the setup when you're done
As luck will have it, my cataract surgery was scheduled for the perfect time. It is cold with residential roads still snow packed. I've not seen my normal bike route but I'm sure there is no riding it. I won't likely be cleared to ride my bike for a week following yesterday's surgery. I'm very anxious to ride... all in due time.
Cleared to ride or not, another day like today and I'll be riding. I'm hoping the roads will continue to melt off and dry before tomorrow afternoon. Riding through water tosses water in my face. I could put on the front fender but I think it looks bad. I'm sure anxious to ride!
It wasn't nearly as nice today as yesterday but I went riding anyway. It was in the mid forties with a double digit wind from the South when I headed out. I went out in my truck earlier to scope out where I might ride that wasn't snow or ice packed. I couldn't ride my normal loop for the sidewalk was snowed in but I found a way out to the highway that was pretty clear. The highway which is half of my loop was clean and dry. I put on my warm gear and rode back and forth to the town South a couple of times for an 18 mile ride. It felt good to be riding and I was very happy with my recent cold weather purchases. The pogies worked great and kept the wind off of my hands. I agree that they are game changers. The bar mirror I had to remove to use the pogies was replaced with a helmet mount mirror. The bar mirror has a far better field of view and I'll be switching back as soon as I can ride without the pogies. The new balaclava worked great and was far more comfortable than the one I've been riding with.
Cold Bike 2.jpg

Cold Bike 1.jpg
It got into the forties today so I got in a little ride. The wind was blowing hard from the South so just one loop to the town South and back was enough for me. There was still ice and snow in places on my sidewalk South. Some of the intersections in town are still ice. I'm riding with way too much tire pressure to safely ride over the slick areas. Another day or so in the forties and that slick will be gone.
It stayed cold over the weekend but warmed into the low forties today. There was a stiff Westerly wind that was sometimes a bit out of the South and the rest of the time the North. I decided to ride anyway and though it wasn't ideal, it wasn't terrible. I only rode 17 miles before my nose froze and I called it a day. Naturally, I was the only one riding again today.
A high of 50° was forecasted for today but it got to 58° with very little wind. It was simply beautiful riding conditions and I took full advantage. I was only able to ride 38 miles before I ran out of battery. It was the newer of the two batteries but it performed as poorly as the original battery. I'm hoping it's due to the cold. If not, I've got something going on. I didn't see any other cyclists but there were a number of pedestrians out enjoying the day. Mostly there were dog walkers but I did see two power walkers and two young ladies pushing carriages. It was a great day to be out in the sun.
It wasn't nearly as nice today as yesterday but I went riding anyway. It was in the mid forties with a double digit wind from the South when I headed out. I went out in my truck earlier to scope out where I might ride that wasn't snow or ice packed. I couldn't ride my normal loop for the sidewalk was snowed in but I found a way out to the highway that was pretty clear. The highway which is half of my loop was clean and dry. I put on my warm gear and rode back and forth to the town South a couple of times for an 18 mile ride. It felt good to be riding and I was very happy with my recent cold weather purchases. The pogies worked great and kept the wind off of my hands. I agree that they are game changers. The bar mirror I had to remove to use the pogies was replaced with a helmet mount mirror. The bar mirror has a far better field of view and I'll be switching back as soon as I can ride without the pogies. The new balaclava worked great and was far more comfortable than the one I've been riding with.
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Wow man, nice ride there, and killer shades too.. How does it run so far?
It warmed into the low fifties which wasn't nearly what was forecasted. The sky was overcast and it sprinkled off and on all afternoon. There wasn't much for wind so I went riding. I did see two people walking but nobody riding today. I logged 35 miles before I was low on battery. It's either the colder weather or I have a brake rubbing that is lowering my normal mileage. To answer Milo's question, I normally can get just under fifty miles on a single charge.
Today was just a banner day. It was perfect riding weather and I spent most of the afternoon doing just that. I logged 52 miles today and rolled over the 10K mark on the odometer. Just for kicks I did the math. Year one I averaged 15 miles per day riding. I have averaged 23 miles per day since that anniversary and 17.89 miles per day since the day I bought the bike.

It was a banner day for I saw three other E-bikes and I think one was a Juiced RipCurrent S just like mine. If not, it was a very well made copy. It was heading South while I was waiting on traffic to leave my sidewalk and head North on the highway siding. He didn't see me and was gone by the time the light changed. I continued on my merry way determined to break the 10K mark. Later I saw another E-bike that was heading North on the sidewalk as I was headed South. The last E-Bike actually caught up with me and flagged me down as I was riding off the last of my battery in town. We shot the breeze for over thirty minutes. He was younger than me but a senior and was very versed in bikes and E-bikes. He liked my bike being a full size mountain like bike. He liked the battery as well as the 1000w hub motor. I was drooling over his bike and he told me the ins and outs of his bike. Being deaf without my hearing aids I missed the brand name of his bike. It was a smaller bike with fat tires like mine. Instead of a battery like mine, he had two 52v 19.2 amp batteries like mine. Instead of a 1000w rear hub motor he had a 1200w rear hub motor and a 1200w front hub motor. It will easily do 40mph. He told me he can burn rubber with both tires and proved it as he rode off. It was an impressive bike... not in my future... but a sweet bike all the same. I was impressed with the guy as well. He told me my tires are noisy because the nobs are too far apart. He also told me why he has such take off torque. Partly it's a bigger motor and two instead of one. But partly it's a matter of physics with the motors turning smaller wheels. The bigger wheel is a more comfortable stable ride and takes less energy to maintain a speed once reached. Makes sense... never thought about it.

The guy was super nice and we vowed to do some riding together this summer. He is recovering from hamstring surgery and I my heart attack. Two old farts that refuse to quit riding and found E-bike love.
It was not so nice today but it's to be the warmest day for the rest of the week. I went riding with the temp in the high fifties and it was to peak in the mid sixties. I no more than got started on my loop South when a North wind came up. It blew hard on my return trip North but wasn't too bad so I went around again. My next leg North was just a pure struggle. I down shifted and upped the assist to get back home. I called it a ride with a total of 21 miles. My weather station logged a 54.8 mph gust today. I think it was while I was riding into it. :) It was good to get out but I should have been riding earlier.
It was two weeks ago today that I last was able to ride. The weather has been lousy ever since the third. I'm getting fat and lazy :) The forecast for the rest of the week is bad to extremely bad. The only positive is some warm weather is in the picture for next week. It will probably be super windy but at least it will be above freezing.

Just prior to Juiced going out of business, they came out with a color display for my bike. It was no more than introduced that it sold out. I was in no hurry to order one and then they closed shop. The company that bought out Juiced is trying to get some for sale as well as many Juiced bike parts and bikes. I checked today to see if they had the display for sale and it is still back ordered. They did have a list that I put my name on if they should ever receive new stock from China. Good luck with that. :) I'm not even sure if having a color display would make it easier to read in daylight. The current display is greyscale and impossible to read if in the sunlight. The color display is worth a try for the investment and ease of installation.
Coincidentally I dug my convertible ebike out of the shed today so I could start charging the battery. Tomorrow I’ll air up the tires; I have to go into the City and I hate driving in there (and especially hate paying for exorbitant parking!) so am taking public transit and then biking to my appointment.
It will be the first time I have ridden it since 2021! (I’ve ridden a regular bike since then).
Coincidentally I dug my convertible ebike out of the shed today so I could start charging the battery. Tomorrow I’ll air up the tires; I have to go into the City and I hate driving in there (and especially hate paying for exorbitant parking!) so am taking public transit and then biking to my appointment.
It will be the first time I have ridden it since 2021! (I’ve ridden a regular bike since then).
Outstanding! It will be like finding an old friend. I'm jealous that you get to ride. Actually, I'm way happy for you. I haven't been on a standard bike since I bought my first e-bike. I guess I briefly rode a bike my daughter picked up for free a few blocks from my house. The rubber on the brakes was old and hard so I just rode a bit in front of my house. My good mountain bike is hanging in my son's shed. I should gather it up and put a few miles on it.
The powers that be had a different plan. A bug I was fighting Monday evening went full-blown apocalypse overnight and other than going to the bathroom I didn’t get out bed until late this afternoon, and in large part that was just because I was so achy from lying in bed. And I had some decaf tea and toast as my first meal, too. Really wiped me out.
Hope everyone else is doing well!
Well, less than a week later I received an email from the Juiced bike accessories site. The colored display has become available. I ordered one and received confirmation. I text my buddy who bought my original bike and he promptly ordered one too. He is like me... a spare part for our basically discontinued bikes is a good thing. Get them while you can. He wants to buy another controller and battery for spares. Luckily I have two of each already. The only other item I'd love to have is another rear wheel with a 1000W hub motor.
With a bit of luck, I'll get to do some riding tomorrow. It was warm enough this afternoon but the roads were wet or still snow packed. It's still in the high thirties now and low fifties is forecasted for tomorrow. :) It should mostly melt off and be dry riding mid day tomorrow.
It got extremely nice this afternoon. I hated to quit riding but I was obligated to smoke some chicken for dinner. It warmed up fast. There was a brisk wind from the South and temps in the upper forties and the next thing I knew it was in the high fifties and the wind was calming. I put on my gear and rode 23 miles before I was out of time. It felt GREAT to be riding again. I only saw two other cyclists which I thought odd. I saw a number of joggers and a lot of dog walkers. I can't imagine staying inside on a day like today.
As nice as yesterday was, it was only a prelude to a gorgeous day today. I rode 36 mile before I came home and then washed my bike and sat in a lawn chair and soaked up some rays. My station logged 79° with little to zero wind. I saw a few riders and joggers today. I pulled into the park I pass to use the restroom facilities. Basically it's a baseball complex but has a very nice dog park. Everyone had their dogs out enjoying the day. I wished I was still sharing life with a dog. I saw the elderly lady riding her trike today. I haven't seen her all winter. She waved real big... and I reciprocated. It was good to see her riding.
I received an email notification that my colored display has been shipped. It's shipping requires registering to track so I declined.... it will get here when it gets here if it gets here. Yun Express tracking info doesn't fill me with confidence. :) It's probably in route to the coast of China as I type. :) Sadly, my buddy with my old bike is NEEDING the display. His display has quit changing levels of assistance. I hope it arrives sooner than later for his sake.
He was stuck in eco which is supposed to compensate for the weight of the bike. After farting around with it for half an hour he got it to go up one level which is where I ride. He has been riding another level higher but can't get there. He has smoked cigs all his life until recently and needs the help so he doesn't run short of breath.
I ran short on battery much like I was when it was super cold. I've concluded it isn't the temperature effecting both old and new battery. What has been limiting my battery charge is my riding style across the colder weather. I've been giving it hell trying to keep warm and to get my ride done so I can get warm. I've not upped the assistance but my bike also has torque sensors. The harder you pedal the more the bike tries to assist. I looked down today and I was riding at 30mph instead of the 22 or so I used to ride. I was working the bike and me much harder than my old rides. That's my best guess why my near 50 mile on a charge has dropped to 40. I'll try to back off tomorrow and see if it makes a difference.
The harder you pedal the more the bike tries to assist. I looked down today and I was riding at 30mph instead of the 22 or so I used to ride. I was working the bike and me much harder than my old rides. That's my best guess why my near 50 mile on a charge has dropped to 40. I'll try to back off tomorrow and see if it makes a difference.
Sounds like it's going to be trial and error ;)
I rode again today and I did slow down instead of fighting it. I got an additional five miles out of the same battery over the same course. When I say I slowed down... that's not really true. I might have been riding a bit slower but I wasn't pushing it from a stop or pushing it hard up the hills. I believe the torque sensor is what's cutting my mileage. It responds to extra pedal pressure it senses. So I eased up to cruising speed and naturally slowed down going up inclines instead of trying to maintain my riding speed. Not my typical ride of late.

I saw the old trike lady again today. I've met her a number of times near the town South. I've either passed her or saw her riding on the sidewalk across the four land road from me. Today I actually met her head on near my town. She has expanded her riding. Between riding slower, meeting her face to face, and having improved distant eyesight now I noted she had a basket on the front on her trike and her little doggie was riding with her. I think they were both having fun.
It was quite a bit cooler and very windy from the North today. I rode twice to the town South and then rode around here in town which has some shelter from the gusty wind. I only logged 34 miles and saw only one other rider. It was a young teen and he was on an e-bike. I though it odd that I saw three different people riding on e-scooters today. It was after school was let out. Two riders were definitely riding home from school and the third was likely the father with his young son also heading home from school. There was an enterprise renting e-scooters here in town a couple of years ago. They were all over the city. I think you bought a pre paid card to insert to ride. Leave it wherever you liked and pick another to ride. It must have not been profitable for they were here then gone. The ones I saw today looked to be privately owned. They are rare to see and weird to see three in a half hour span.
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