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Edge vs 4?

Ok, so the sides of both the Note 4 and the Edge are metal or at least metal coated. Not sure but having gotten both of them yesterday, I can tell you these are two beautiful devices. Very premium in feel. I wasn't quite sure about the Edge but I was just so intrigued by it, I decided to get it. I do have the grace period after all. After playing with it for the last 24 hours I can now say that I absolutely love the Edge and am very glad I got it. I'm still discovering things with it but so far there is nothing negative to say. I love the edge and what it does. Anything developed in the future will just be icing on the cake.
9 FEB 2015 at about 7:04 PM central time

I have had my Edge for 10 days. Like it. Went from S3 to Edge. I went to the Edge because my S3 battery was on its last leg. I add, the S3 battery sort of buckled/bowed up for some reason so that the sliding back sort of pooched up when closed. Go figure.

I am slowly learning about features on the Edge.

I am mainly posting this response because mention was made of fear of wake up due to the 'edge' when in pocket. I think I solved that problem by figuring out that by pressing the button on top of the device it cuts off the display. Seems like no problem with it waking up in pocket.

The only complaint so far is the phone sound. The speaker phone feature allows raising volume of the incoming call but the volume of the call is not good if the speaker function is not activated. That is, with the phone on normal volume, speaker phone not activated, the volume is too low to suit me.

Accessories. Two Sprint stores and a Best Buy failed to have a belt clip, which I like. Amazon to the rescue. I did a web search and pulled up vendors with accessories for the Edge. I wait now for a belt clip, which was under $15 with shipping. Wait and see the product.

The stylus feature may be functional but there will be a learning curve on that.

The Edge camera is a noticeable upgrade from the S3 camera.

Transfer of apps, files? Seems like the transfer of the photos from the S3 resulted in jumbled order. Looks like all the photos transferred but did not end up in the proper order at all. With 1500 photos that means a good bit of scrolling to find what I want.

The text messages did not transfer. If the text message senders were somehow entered in contacts in the old device, the Edge contacts list ended up with that sender's contact information so that a new text could be sent. But the text history with that person did not survive the leap to the Edge as it were. I did not trade in my S3. I still have it. I think, but am not sure, if it has a charge you can still read old text message on it. I have not checked this. When I get home I want to check the S3 to see. On occasion there may have been texts which I want to preserve or view to refresh.

The Edge does seem to take a charge fast. Also, in general, the Edge is much faster. For example, it downloads new apps and app upgrades much faster than the S3.

Last comment about the Edge. The 'edge' will scroll left and right. The device permits you to program a list of apps. I am not sure what the capacity of 'edges' may be, but it appears you can have 4 or more 'edges' with apps of your choice.

Robert, Austin, South Oklahoma
After having both my real sell is the extra things that can be done on the edge. For instance all folders with apps can be placed on the edge therefore negating a need for dock. I am a little OCD about my screen being clear so that is my reason for liking the edge over the note 4.
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