Only human arrogance would have you think otherwise in light of the points you've already made.
From 3:10 onwards illustrates the size of the universe but still worth watching it all if you haven't seen it before, and even for someone as openminded as myself still find it hard to comprehend sometimes just how big it is, and insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things.
(Mind you this is just free thinking)
Sorry been a while since I checked this thread glad I did , Human arrogance runs unchecked . Most in their minds think as humans we are the top of the food chain , having created art , music , technology , cultures and govt . The later of that list I sometimes question , but I will leave that up for another discussion . In the schemes of the universe overall I think you're going to find humans arent quite at the top of the pack as everyone would like to believe . As a race we are fairly young and new to the universe much like an infant that happens to wonder out into their parents backyard and sees a new big world sitting there staring back at them . Maybe the pyramids were built with the HELP of an alien race , maybe not . Maybe the egyptions simiply discovered an alien that was dying or had died and believed it was a god and simply buried it in the pyrimids . The funny thing about history is , its alot like a game we played in school many years ago . 15 kids sit in a circle and one starts by whispering a simple sentence into another kids ear and it goes around the circle . Usually by the time it gets to the original kid the sentence has completely changed . The point of this is when it comes to history , its a story that has been either translated who knows how many times and rewrittten and has lost its context of the original writter .
To also touch base on a earlier question in regards to why we might not have seen them or aliens made themselves known . Step out for a second (imagine) and look at the world as a whole . You see war , you see people starving , you see disease in some countries running rampant and out of countrol as well as weapon testing . From an outside visitor earth doesnt look all that inviting . Atleast not to me if I were out flying around the universe and stumbled across earth . A very close friend of mine said something to me once that I have to say hit a cord pretty deep in me . His words "I would feel bad if Jesus ever did come back , people would probably try to cut him up and study him to figure out how he worked" . My friend is far from a violent individual but strikes a point on how humans "generally" think . Yeah we are curious and like to learn , but some take it to the extreme .
Final point of thought for this post , I have also heard people say why do we have to go into space there is nothing out there . Nothing out there that we have seen yet should be the correct ending of that statment . As a race we are sooner or later gonna have to leave home (earth) . Especially if the species is to survive . Life here I have a feeling mimics life out there in space . Example , ant hill (just follow me for a min) . A colony forms workers do their buisness and the queen provides new young . Eventually the colony grows to a huge size and then what? It searches out farther to find more resources and to supply its growing colony or breaks off and makes another additional colony . Main point we are sooner or later gonna have to start heading out to space . I believe Stepehn Hawking said it best "Staying on earth is like keeping all your eggs in one basket , sooner or later something is gonna happen to the basket " . Im not saying in a year or five years or even 100 an asteroid is gonna slam into us and wipe us out or some mysterious plague will break out and everyone will be dead in months . Point of it all is earth is home (correct) but if something happens to our home we are screwed plain and simple . As a race we will have to travel to new planets and expand in order to increase our chances of survival as a race . This again might take decades even centuries but still its a course of development that will have to take place one way or another .
(whew all before my first cup of coffee)