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Help Epic 4g touchscreen help/problem!

I've noticed lately that my sometimes my screen is unresponsive to touch. The hard touch buttons on the bottom work, so in order to get my screen respond to touch, I have to turn the screen off then on.

Sometimes, its not the whole screen, but a particular area, for example while texting, the "send" button doesn't work or it might be like the letter "h" or something. So i have to change to portrait or reboot my phone for it to work.

I tried hard resetting my phone, still same issues.

Anyone else have this problem? Any solutions? Could it be because of an app or live wallpaper or something.

Obviously the 30 days are up now (bought 8/31) So can I take to the sprint store or i have to contact samsung.
u can try and figure out if its a particular app by process of elimination with them. I'm not at all familiar with what apps create issues other then the few I know drain battery. if you publish a list of non stock apps u run in this thread maybe someone more knowledgeable on that topic can help u out to figure it out if its even that ... I would recommend a wipe but u tried that so . .
u can try and figure out if its a particular app by process of elimination with them. I'm not at all familiar with what apps create issues other then the few I know drain battery. if you publish a list of non stock apps u run in this thread maybe someone more knowledgeable on that topic can help u out to figure it out if its even that ... I would recommend a wipe but u tried that so . .

The apps I have installed are just the basic ones like:
There's nothing really running in the background.
Which ones are the ones you said drain battery?

paper toss
gps test
barcode scanner
weather channel
speed test
and a couple of live wallpapers
i have the exact same problem. I do NOT have a screen protector. Usually for me its the middle of the screen. And in order for me to get it back to working i have to pull out the keyboard and back. I am going to return the phone to best buy and get a new one cause this is very annoying.
Take off protector...we have gorrilla glass. But occasionally, I do have unresposiveness...goes away when I turn off and on phone.
Doubt this is due to screen protector. I have noticed lag at times on the Epic, so most likely a software issue. Everything is good once I reboot or wait for it to resolve itself.
I am glad to see that I am not the only one having this problem with the Epic. I just purchased it and put aside my ever so troubling BlackBerry. But this screen has been driving me crazy. I touch one button such as the "contacts" and the email will open up, I touch the "voicemail" and the "message" page opens up! Sometimes the screen will just go crazy opening up different programs randomly. On my way to the store to get it fixed now. I will report back and tell you what they said.
I get this all the time. Frequently it's the end button on a phone call. Actually, recently I've had the problem with any number on the phone dialer. Makes it frustrating to deal with those voicemail messaging systems that say "press 5 for customer service". I have to hit the number 5, 8 times before it finally registers the keypress. But it's VERY inconsistent.
I am glad to see that I am not the only one having this problem with the Epic. I just purchased it and put aside my ever so troubling BlackBerry. But this screen has been driving me crazy. I touch one button such as the "contacts" and the email will open up, I touch the "voicemail" and the "message" page opens up! Sometimes the screen will just go crazy opening up different programs randomly. On my way to the store to get it fixed now. I will report back and tell you what they said.

Let me know what happends..the problem is very annoying
I have the same issue with the end calls button and occasionally the slide up to unlock button. With the end button usually the other side has hung up before I can get it work. With the unlock button, if I turn of the screen and turn it back on it works again. The end call button problem seems to happen more often than the unlock button though.

While this is troubling, I'm more concerned with some bubbles which just appeared *under* the glass in the upper left hand corner of the screen. I'm in the middle of moving and don't have a camera but I'll take some pictures and post before I take it in for service, just in case this turns out to be a common issue.
I'm digging up this old thread in hopes that there is a solution for this problem. I've been experiencing it on every iteration of the Sprint roms (leaked and official), to include the latest EC05 rom.

The center vertical portion of my screen will often times stop responding to touch input shortly after unlocking my phone. The left and right sides of the screen will continue to work just fine. I used to just wait for 30 seconds or so until the touch input magically started working again, but I recently found out that if I press the power button twice to lock/unlock the screen, the problem goes away almost immediately every time.

Upon realizing this, I've recently come up with an idea as to what may be causing the problem. I believe the lock screen itself may be to blame, particularly the lock screen center button area. I say this because the area of "unresponsiveness" is almost exactly the same width as the lock screen button that you swipe up to unlock the phone.

My guess is that the lock screen button's vertical area of operation is somehow "lingering" in the background preventing the screen from detecting input in that area (the vertical middle portion of the screen).

This probably sounds ridiculous, but it's all I can come up with other than that I have a faulty screen. However, the fact that this thread exists leads me to believe it's not a hardware issue.

Finally, I have not rooted my phone, nor do I want to right now.
Same issue here with the screen. left half works, right half doesn't. Sometimes can't hang up a call! Only solution is to turn off screen, then on, unlock slider and then screen works. Sometimes have to do that twice. A REAL PAIN. I am not alone I see.

Anybody have answers? Bueller...Bueller...anybody????
Being your not rooted your options are limited. The only thing i would suggest if you havent tried it is to run the horizontal calibration under the display, and if you do make sure screen is face down, pita but really is the best way. Hope this helps.
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