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Eris leaves me wishing.

Ok cool. Thank you. Well, since we're talking speed, how can I speed up the browser? When I tether using pdanet, its pretty decent but when I'm surfing the phone its painfully slow.
Ok cool. Thank you. Well, since we're talking speed, how can I speed up the browser? When I tether using pdanet, its pretty decent but when I'm surfing the phone its painfully slow.

Not really much you can do about that. That's more of a limitation of the hardware, than something you can really fix. If you want, you could disable Flash if you have no practical use for it.
While all of the work arounds are nice, the download an app to fix this, download an app to fix that...

You should not have to. The basic functionality of the phone is broken, then HTC is obligated to fix it and it really seems that they do not care. I understand the OP's frustration with the phone. In the end it is a cell phone, and if that part works like crap then what is the point. Honestly my wifes cheapo flip phone with a 1.3 mp camera makes cell calls with no issues and takes pictures that put the what 5mp camera in the eris to shame. Her phone dials and calls right away, and hangs up when you press end. As a cell phone I find it better than the eris.
The eris however I find a better email/chat device.

It greatly pains me to say this but until they fix these issues... they will never beat the IPhone at its own game. If an Iphone comes to Verizon... well I for one would consider the phone if it is on par with the ATT 3gs and the cell phone worked flawlessly with out several apps to assist it.
While all of the work arounds are nice, the download an app to fix this, download an app to fix that...

You should not have to.

I have strong agreement with that.

My big pet peeve is with HTC (not much with Verizon); I feel that the manufacturers and assemblers messed up fairly large quantities of the Eris and boxed them just the same as the perfect ones (I have what could be described as a perfect one, going by the complete lack of issues I've seen crop up in the forums repeatedly.. moreover, I've seen others indicate that their Eris is bug free also).
...Her phone dials and calls right away, and hangs up when you press end.

All you, and the OP, needs to do is hit the hard end key just as your wife does on the cell. The call will hang up immediately, what's the issue?

It greatly pains me to say this but until they fix these issues... they will never beat the IPhone at its own game.

Let's not go there here. It's old and tired.
I'm a little afraid to say it, but I think mine might be bug-free also.

Or, perhaps, I'm a little more tolerant of "lag". Or, maybe I just think more slowly, and so don't notice that the phone is also slow!

Regardless, I'm happy with my phone!
I'm a little afraid to say it, but I think mine might be bug-free also.

Or, perhaps, I'm a little more tolerant of "lag". Or, maybe I just think more slowly, and so don't notice that the phone is also slow!

Regardless, I'm happy with my phone!

Ditto. The only times lag has been a problem have been when I have caused it by running so many things at once (downloading/installing apps while listening to Pandora and surfing the internet).
Or, perhaps, I'm a little more tolerant of "lag". ...
I was thinking the same thing. My kids both have Erises and no real complaints from them. They say that it's a little laggy now and again on the dialer. So I always ask them if they like the phone anyway and it's always a resounding, "YES". Dare I say it, perhaps it's we that expect too much?
Hmmm....I wonder, does anyone around these forums have any opinions on task killers? :eek:

I reboot my phone every week and a half to two weeks. I never use a task killer, and my phone runs smoothly all the time (apart from when I do a lot of things at once, as stated in my previous post). I simply do a reboot because I think it's a good thing to do every now and then, not because it necessarily needs it.
I reboot my phone every week and a half to two weeks. I never use a task killer, and my phone runs smoothly all the time (apart from when I do a lot of things at once, as stated in my previous post). I simply do a reboot because I think it's a good thing to do every now and then, not because it necessarily needs it.

Agreed, I don't use a task killer, and I follow nearly the same regimen and soft reset once every 5 days or so. I was only making waves with the "opinions on the task killers" question; as I'm reasonably sure you've read (or even participated perhaps) in some of the "fun' associated in the Great Task Killer War.
I can imagine you clicking your heels and chanting for OTD! I thought the same thing - we need OTD to Stop. This. Thread. Now.

Please, please, don't start that task killer thing again!
No, no, you took it wrong! I meant the heels of your feet. You have feet, right?

Sorry, no offense intended! But you gave me a good laugh!
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