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Help EVO is great, except as a phone -- is something wrong?

Anyone try a factory reset for this issue? Did it help? I am considering that (and a default battery pull to save the data on the card) before going to Sprint with my issue. Or is this a waste of time and effort?
I have been a Sprint customer for 18 years. The phone I had prior to purchasing/ upgrading to the HTC EVO was a 1st generation Instinct. I can't complain about the phone other than accessing the web was slow. My Instinct was in perfect working order, I just wanted something a bit faster with regards to web/ internet access, so I purchased/ upgraded to the HTC EVO.

With regards to the HTC EVO, I purchased it on July 23, 2010. I must say that I was impressed with how quick the EVO was to access the web, and the many apps available. However, as a phone, it is lacking. When callers would call, the phone often would not allow me to slide/pull the lock bar done to answer the call, or when I wanted to end a call, I would tap/touch the end button with no response. The most annoying aspect of the EVO was the poor sound quality of the earpiece. When I could talk on the phone, the sound produced by the earpiece was HORRIBLE!! Callers sounded muffled and like they were talking with a bucket over their head. The same can be said for listening to voice messages.

Within a week I returned the phone to the Sprint store where I purchased it for these issues. Their only response was, I hear what you are talking about, but you can't have the earpiece volume all the way up. WHAT?? When there is alot of noise going on around you, sometimes you need to have the earpiece volume turned up so you can hear your caller. To me, this was the wrong answer. Another thing I was told was, your phone may have a faulty earpiece, but we do not have another EVO to exchange with, check back in about 30 days. WHAT?? I may have a device (HTC EVO) with a faulty earpiece, but how am I going to know that this is the phone for me unless I get another one that works. Waiting 30 days puts me outside of returning the device for a refund, not to mention, would void my upgrade eligibility. I went to the Sprint store on 5 different occassions with regards to these issues, and their only offer on my last 2 visits, was to replace my NEW EVO phone with a REFURBISHED EVO phone.

Needless to say I did not do this because if you swap for a refurb phone, and you still experience the same issues, then you stand the risk of not getting your money back at all. SO, the only thing I knew to do was, return the phone, ask that they return my status prior to purchasing the HTC EVO (i.e., still eliglible for an upgrade, and a return to my previous plan).

Although I liked many features of the HTC EVO, and if all you are concerned with is accessing the web/ internet, then the EVO may be the unit for you. But, if you are looking for as a quality cell phone as well (i.e., making calls and being able to hear your caller CLEARLY), it is my experiece that the HTC EVO fails in this area.

At this point, I will wait until the next generation of EVO's or other Android phones arrive. Hopefully the next generation will have MUCH IMPROVED EARPIECES.
It's a bad ear speaker... I had the same problem, and on June 5th I went back to get an exchange.

Don't take no for an answer, they tried to tell me they couldn't do exchanges because all their EVOs where on hold... I quickly called bull$@#$. It's not my fault you don't get paid that much, give me an exchange!

I hear ya on the POOR quality of the earpiece. After awhile, it gets annoying. I had to keep saying "What?" to the people on the other end, and they were like, "Can you not hear me?" My response....maybe I should have gone to Verizon...LOL
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I dont use it as a phone so often that its a real issues but it sure is hard to hear people sometimes because of the poor sound quality. Even on speakerphone its not great.
I hear ya on the POOR quality of the earpiece. After awhile, it gets annoying. I had to keep saying "What?" to the people on the other end, and they were like, "Can you not hear me?" My response....maybe I should have gone to Verizon...LOL

Like I said, twice they wanted to replace the phone with a refurb. I said Hell to the No...I did not buy/ pay for a refurb...so you think I am going to take one now? So, I returned the phone. Thing of it is...they would not give me cash back (that is how I payed), instead they (Sprint) is suppose to mail me a check.
Got my EVO today around 1:00. Yay! I have been playing around with it and so far everything is great, and I like it much better than my Moment, with one exception: The phone.

Every call I have made sounds terrible -- muffled, tinny, harsh and buzzy. I swear my ear actually rang after getting off a 5 minute phone call. I enabled the hearing aid option so I could turn the volume down a bit and it helps somewhat, but not a lot. Even Bluetooth doesn't sound as good as it did on the Moment.

I have read other threads on this but there didn't seem to be a consensus. Is it a bum earpiece or a software/hardware issue? I just got this and it is my 3rd phone in a month (2 moments due to overheating now this one). I order them from Sprint online so it's getting expensive as well, since they only credit you AFTER they receive the phone you are exchanging for, which you mail back. I am also getting tired of setting up new phones. :lol

Don't get me wrong, I have every intention of keeping the EVO. But I am wondering if this is just how it is or if it is a defect that warrants the phone being replaced? If it is how it is, I will live with it. My cell phone is not my primary phone and I don't actually spend that much time on phone calls, so the rest of the EVO features outweigh the bad sound. But it IS a cell phone after all, so should it sound this bad?

Anyone else have this issue?

Yep...same issue...TERRIBLE/ SUB-STANDARD QUALITY EARPIECE. Mine continued to get worse as time went on, so I returned the phone and went back to using my 1st generation Instinct (for now).
I think most definately you got one with a bad earpiece, mine sounds as good as any other phone Ive had. Speaker phone is OK, though I have had better. I use BT 99% of the time now anyway.

Sorry that you had to go through that, pretty much no evo's to be had right now. Hopefully youll be back with an evo without waiting too much time (if you decide to). I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that the next batches comming in will have a whole host of corrections to the flaws people have been experiencing.
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