Under paid Sasquatch!
However oil prices are not an indicator of economic health. If anything higher oil prices indicate better economic times. Oil is running out, and demand is increasing. Of course prices will rise. I think it's ridiculous to suggest that the government should lower taxes on fossil fuels, especially when the US has probably the cheapest gasoline in the developed world.
Right now, carbon emission are once again increasing rapidly, taxation is a great incentive for change, and nothing should be done to encourage fossil fuel use.
I keep hearing about oil running out yet record breaking fields are being discovered.
I thought we were getting somewhere when Carter came up with the "windfall profit tax" back in '80.
Books have been written about the meanderings of Big Oil to wiggle out of it, but Reagan's election and the subsequent repeal of the tax (his "Trade and Competitiveness Act") set us on the wrong course.. again.
From personal recollection, I would have to research to be sure, the Windfall profit tax basically was an attempt to unfairly tax someone who had the good business sense to invest wisely. How is it fair to take a higher percentage if you have the good fortune to come into a sum of money when you are already paying the highest rate because of the sum?
What I put in bold was to see whether or not you're spinning the facts (yet again). So do you still live 8 miles from the Mexican border, and if you don't, what years did you live near the Mexican border? You're in control of how honest you answer this question and will prove my point if you lie to try to "spin the facts".
Living in San Antonio, Texas, one of the major hubs for illegal immigration I can say first hand it has not reduced one bit. I see it on a daily basis, and if you travel south of here you can actually see them walking through fields to get to S.A., all the way from the border!