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Facebook issues?

Quite an odd one this.

Seems to be working again for quite a few people but mine also isn't working yet.


Edit: Everything seems to be working APART from the News feed. Odd!
Interesting, no software update and the problem is resolved. You know that means, the software was fine but the port provided by Facebook was crap.
same thing here, no facebook joy -
"an error has occured fetching data [null]"
i get this each time i try to log in .
i have force stopped the app
cleared cache
and have deleted the account and all info and restarted the mobil . logged back in and still the same thing . i guess there is some updates or something going on with facebook . but on the pc its post as usuall .
any ideas ?


Mine started doing this today after I had changed my password on fb on my desktop. I figured it was due to my changing the password, but NOWHERE on the phone could I find where to change the da#% password and the logout option did not come up for me anywhere so I chose the option to remove fb, then readded it useing the new password-well now it works fine but evn though I have it marked to sync my contacts they aren't ---none of my contacts have the photos etc anymore! :( I AM PEEVED!!:eek:
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