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Well-Known Member
Most of my family is on iphones and trust me I have no desire to switch to an iphone.

A few of them communicate by Facetime. Most specifically my 6 year old niece. I though when I bought my Samsung Victory with front facing camera that Facetime was something I was able to do. But when I go to the PlayStore I'm not seeing it? Or if it's there maybe I'm not recogizing it? Can someone on Android not do Facetime or whatever with someone on Iphone?

If this is stupid question I apoligize in advance. :)
That's an excellent question. Facetime is a feature exclusive to Apple, but a way to use the service with iPhone users from android would be awesome. I'm not sure if it exists but hopefully someone else knows.

I'm anxious to know about this as well.
Are you saying that hangouts and Skype are the equivalent to Facetime for Android users?

If so, is Hangouts and Skype usable on Android and iPhone?
Thanks for clueing me in.

No way am I going to able to convince them to do anything else. Nor do I have the energy too.

Oh well. I'll just stick to facetime, as in real facetime whenever I see them.
I understand exactly what you mean! :D

Anyway, fwiw, mention ovo to them. It's top rated in the iOS world and a lot of them prefer it over FaceTime.

It still irks me that a lot of people seem to forget that the phone is there for communication.

You wouldn't go with a brand-only email service or even a brand-only voice service. We aren't using a bbs here, it's a phone.

And yet people love supporting brand-only video chat solutions.

Dumbest idea ever, but there it is.
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