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Favorite App so far.... Developers please see link to Announcements above.

One more..."MP3 Music Downloads...create a library with as many songs as you like, plays entire song. If you like press menu while playing then "use as ringtone" can do this on any song youput in your library... gotta run..
Don't know how I ever typed on a phone before Swype, though it does still have the odd bug where it stops accepting text (blue border appears but no text) - a simple change from Swype to another input method and back again sorts out this occasional problem though...

Swype has the cool factor, but I just don't like swiping/typing with one hand... it gets tiring real fast and carpal tunnel is a problem!

I like Keypurr. It's the best keyboard out of all the thumb typing keyboards out there, IMHO. I rarely have to hit backspace. It just works.
I was gonna say Tasker, but then someone mentioned Swype and I think I have to agree, simply because I use it so much. But Tasker is awesome and a close second.
Can't seem tov find "lets golf"for my Vibrant. Had it. loaded but once I updated (in factory) do not see it. in Market "my apps." A little help? Thanks.
i love multiling gingerbread keyboard,its the only one that i don't make mistakes on
Also i like list master pro as a good note taker,easy and nice looking
SoundHound is cool! Just put ur phone up to the radio and soundhound will tell ya the artist and track name!

your avatar is classic! when I saw I was ROTFLMAO!!! My co-workers think I'm hilarious laughing so hard!!!:D

BTW, I'm on break and was trying to find out any new apps at the forum before going back to the J-O-B!
Catch Notes
Palmary Weather
LED Light
VLC Remote

I'm perplexed that the cost-saving (minutes-saving) sipdroid app was only mentioned by you, and it was after more than a thousand other posts. There must not be a lot of people needing to preserve minutes.

1. sipdroid + Google Voice + Google Voice Callback (+ a lot of time spent reading posts to figure out how to set it up :o ) = free minutes over wi-fi for outgoing and incoming to GV number. (Also free over 3G but with questionable quality.)

Def. my favorite app so far.

Other free ones I like:
- ArcMedia - first one I found that finds and plays my vids recorded by a Sandisk V-Mate recorder.
- Apps Organizer - I'm an android noob, so this organizes my home screen(s), e.g., one Calendar icon for the four cal apps I'm trying.
- Amazon Kindle, FBReader, Moon+ Reader, OverDrive Media Console - for ebooks
- Chrome to Phone - works with Chrome browser to share stuff
- Dropbox - [EDIT TO REMOVE "several apps sync to it", thx to Roze questioning below] - am trying Dropbox, Sugarsync, and Tonido, so not really yet a "favorite app"]
- KeePassDroid - passwords (works with Dropbox). A longtime Palm SplashID user looking to find an alternative.
- Lookout - security, phone finder/wiper, backup/restore
- MessageEase - a different type of keyboard, with roots in Palm OS. My thumbs are too big for other keyboards. Has a learning curve. Also Grafitti.
- Minutes Checker for Virgin Mobile
- MortPlayer Audiobook (beta) - keeps resume points for all audiobooks.
- Pandora - personalized radio, great on wi-fi.
- Soundhound/Shazam - recognizes songs from audio (still trying these).
- Superbox - nice for noobs to get tools they need in one shot.
- Tonido - for your private cloud ($100 gets you a home server, as an alternative to keeping your PC running)
- World Newspapers - real nice newspaper/magazine scraper/reader.

Can't yet speak to competing apps I'm still trying (nicely organized in one icon by Apps Organizer), like Notes: Evernote, Springpad, Mobisle Notes, Note Everything, Colornote, ...)

I tend to like apps that don't require much use of the hard buttons, and dislike those that do. E.g., "Add Event" should (IMHO) be a screen press on a plus sign or something, and not reached via the Menu button. And dismissing the keyboard should be like in MessageEase (tap a big hand icon), and not like Swype (press the Back button).
tasker is by far my fav app. it makes your droid do ANY THING! totaly automated my phone. it awesome. takes place of multiple apps all in one. thanx again to the dev. u rock!
tasker is by far my fav app. it makes your droid do ANY THING! totaly automated my phone. it awesome. takes place of multiple apps all in one. thanx again to the dev. u rock!
Heck yeah! Tasker is the BEST!
Just created a new profile that always automatically saves my car location whenever I park, and then, at the press of a single widget, turns on my GPS and navigates me back to my car!
Yeah, there are other car locator apps out there, but how many automatically log your car location every single time, without bothering to remember to log it yourself before you leave it?:D
3) Hancent SMS - Free text message viewer (bubbles style).

You can change handcent to not be the stupid bubble style. I cannot STAND the bubble style. I actually made my Handcent look very similar to my stock SMS/MMS app. It just has a ton more privacy options and whatnot to make it worth using.
- KeePassDroid - passwords (works with Dropbox). A longtime Palm SplashID user looking to find an alternative.

There is an Android version of Splash ID. I think it works pretty well. I'm a long time Splash product user too, but Splash ID is the only one i've held on to through Android.
Android Password Manager - SplashID
There is an Android version of Splash ID. I think it works pretty well. I'm a long time Splash product user too, but Splash ID is the only one i've held on to through Android.
Android Password Manager - SplashID

Thanks. I knew they had this, but it has a lot of bad reviews. Good to hear you like it.

You made me look into this more. Since I use two mobile phones, new Android and old Palm Centro (the one with all the SplashID data), it seemed great that both would just sync to the desktop and each other. Unfortunately, this can't be done now--you need a desktop for each portable device. But I found a moderator post in this thread that says "SplashID version 6 is coming in the next few months
Thanks. I knew they had this, but it has a lot of bad reviews. Good to hear you like it.

You made me look into this more. Since I use two mobile phones, new Android and old Palm Centro (the one with all the SplashID data), it seemed great that both would just sync to the desktop and each other. Unfortunately, this can't be done now--you need a desktop for each portable device. But I found a moderator post in this thread that says "SplashID version 6 is coming in the next few months
Can you elaborate on this? This sounds very interesting.

I just meant that some apps make use of Dropbox as their cloud repository, via a sync, like KeePassDroid, Epistle, DropSpace, ...

1. Add Phone 2 Chrome as an app using Dropbox.
2. KeePassDroid should be removed from above list, that app does not support built-in Dropbox use.]
If you're using DropBox - an external server - to entrust your KeePassDroid safe repository of passwords, then I'd like to suggest that it's maybe a good idea to either limit the type of passwords being stored or pray they never get hacked. Just a suggestion, because I'm cautious that way.
If you're using DropBox - an external server - to entrust your KeePassDroid safe repository of passwords, then I'd like to suggest that it's maybe a good idea to either limit the type of passwords being stored or pray they never get hacked. Just a suggestion, because I'm cautious that way.

Greatly appreciate the warning. I had a misconception that Dropbox sync was securely built in to KeePassDroid (I haven't used KeePassDroid that much yet), from reading this Market user review: "Use this in conjunction with dropbox, works great!".
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