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FCs After Froyo!


When I try to active the dockrunner I get an FC, when I try to schedule something on my pure grid calendar I get an FC. I tried to reinstall the dockrunner, but when I searched for it in the app store it wasn't found. I went to the app store and looked up the grid calendar and there was an update, but that didn't help. I've also tried rebooting.

If the dockrunner doesn't exist any more, is there a good alternative?

Try going into the applications setting, clicking on the app, and then clear cache. If that does not work try uninstalling it and reinstalling it.
wow I totally missed that yeah mines not working either.
Clear cache isn't clickable. Tried clear data no help.
Same here with the clear cache being grayed out, probably because there was nothing in it.

Forgive my ignorance here, but I don't want to uninstall a paid app(pure grid) because I don't know how that works as far as reinstalling it. Unless someone tells me how I can do that without paying for it again. As for the dockrunner, since I can't find it in the marketplace any more, if I uninstall it then how could I reinstall it?
Anytime you choose to delete a paid app, it still shows in your download section waiting for you to use again (at no additional charge) at a later date. Since you paid for it, it's yours. Regarding dockrunner, you should be able to make a backup of it using a file manager (I like Filego), this way you can load it from your SD card after you delete it, as it doesn't appear to be on the market any more.
Okay...so I tried the back up and reinstall thing with dockrunner and when I go to reinstall it gets blocked because it's considered a "non-market" application, but that's where I got it from initially. I did change my settings to allow me to reinstall it, but I'm still getting the FC. I guess the next step is finding another docking program. I don't have a dock, I having it in docking mode. Any ideas?
After the 2.2 upgrade, the Clock App makes my phone go into the "new" looking dock mode. I have confirmed this as the exact same screen that shows up when I dock it. It's basically your current background instead of the soft blue color.
And more so - it is considered a non-market app b/c it is not 2.2 compatible, but since you purchased it it is still showing in your market.
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