Same with me, I can go for days just using my phone and not even touch my laptop since I only do a handful of things on my laptop.
1) stream/listen to music (can do that with phone)
2)chat with my friends (can do that with phone)
3)surf the net (can do that with my phone
4)use MS Words/Excels/PP (can do that on my phone too).
Not even going to lie. If I had a smartphone it would minimize my desktops usefulness in more than one way. With that said, there is a reason I have a desktop with two graphics cards and 4 cores overclocked to 4ghz. ;D
I'm not saying the phone's aren't useful, I am saying I don't think anyone is ready to give up real full sized keyboards yet. And if they are, they probably don't use the computer as much as we would believe to begin with or for the same reason people like myself have elaborate set ups.
I actually find I do MORE on my phone than on my laptop.
I don't consider my phone a 'lowest of the low end' when comparing it to a laptop, considering that it costed me the same price ($650) as a laptop on the market now. Also when I consider how small my phone is compared to a laptop, I am amazed how powerful it is. I don't think people really expect your phone to be AS POWERFUL as a laptop. Though this is slowly changing where the gap is getting smaller with dual core processors on the horizon.
My argument wasn't that phone's are bad.
They are designed to do one thing.
Allow you to manage your life from one interface.
Yes, phone's have amazing power. As a comp junkie myself hearing about 1 ghz processors in phone's is madness! (THIS. IS. ANDROID!)
my point is this. Your phone is designed to be used more than your laptop.
All that power in that small little shell is designed to give you weather updates so you know to bring a jacket and an umbrella. Its designed to let you know there is a wreck and to take that "back up route" before you hop on interstate. It is designed to let you keep tabs on you, your husband and your kids (not literally you) schedules so you know when the doctors visit is, keep in contact with friends over facebook, text and voice if absolutely necessicery. it is even designed to let you listen to music or watch movies and play games if your bored.
I don't deny or undercut its usefulness.
That still doesn't mean it qualifies for what I as a computer enthusiast would call an adequate computer.
Keep in mind I am speaking not from "real" definitions but, from a personal stand point.
If you need to type out a paper and print it. Sure you
can do it from your phone. In the same way you
can communicate in morse code over a voice line. Long drawn out and in many ways pointless unless there are some crazy circumstances.
Sure you
can play games however, I have a new keyboard with 104 buttons and a mouse with 3500 dpi that is going to make your phone look like a swiss army knife compared to an A.K. 47.
Which is actually really my point. Phone's are good for being an all in one interface for your life they are multifaceted tools.
Computers are multifaceted tools as well however, each has their own role to play. Want to play a video games, write a paper, or enjoy a mechanical keyboard that goes clack clack clack.. (ok.. I'm weird.. sue me.. but, hell with rubber dome). Your going to want a real desktop.
Want a flexible tool to manage your life? Welcome to android!
For what a computer is designed to do it blows phone's out of the water in every aspect.
For what a phone is designed to do, it makes my computer a very heavy paper weight.
all of that said, I feel that a phone is still a lowest of the low in terms of computers because, these phone's have laughable specs in the world of real computers.
Are they astounding for phone's? absolutely!
However, for a computer? nah.. gimmie a break.
Dual core phones? I'm interested like everyone else.. Got my ear to the ground in anticipation.
does this mean it impresses me as a computer? nope. I've got 4 cores running at 4ghz each. (I really need to join overclockers anonymous if they have a local chapter around here.. cause, I swear to god when I finally get an android, I'm gunna need some liquid nitrogen to see how high I can push it
