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Got the update tonight and have already noticed snappy speed improvements. Haven't tried new apps yet, but am pleased with the new responsiveness.

Great job asus! The constant, quick to share updates are the reason I'm sticking with you and will not consider any other android tablets.

Samsung, you could learn a thing or two.
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I have experienced a few problems with this upgrade, all related to the stock browser, and I was wondering if I'm the only one.

1. The stock browser no longer shows up when I press the 'recent apps' button.

2. It defaults to mobile versions of sites, even when 'user agent' is set to 'desktop'. I've noticed this on many sites, eg. Google and Youtube.

3. It always asks you what to use for a new link, even when you check the 'use this as default' checkbox.

Has anybody experienced this too, or is it just me?
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I have experienced a few problems with this upgrade, all related to the stock browser, and I was wondering if I'm the only one.

1. The stock browser no longer shows up when I press the 'recent apps' button.

2. It defaults to mobile versions of sites, even when 'user agent' is set to 'desktop'. I've noticed this on many sites, eg. Google and Youtube.

3. It always asks you what to use for a new link, even when you check the 'use this as default' checkbox.

Has anybody experienced this too, or is it just me?

I have the same problem. The user agent is now in the normal settings as oppose to about:debug. I get mobile versions of bbc also. Has anyone got a fix?

Thank you.
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to be honest i wouldnt be surprised they've pulled the 3.2.1 from distribution from all the issues that we've got from it and they are likely going to wait till they have ICS ready for distribution...which is kinda sad as i think the issues on the wiki/battery and browser can be sorted out quickly in the mean time.
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Has anyone else got the notification for a new Firmware Update? I did the update that came out a while ago but now it keeps saying there is another, and when I try to install it, It starts the system check and reboots, then it starts the Firmware Update and the bar gets to about half and then gives me the Android Logo and Triangle with the Exclamation mark, I reboot the TF and it boots back up fine and they it re-downloads the update again, Doesn anyone else have this issue? I am currently running 3.2.1, and build
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