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First World Problems: Choosing between iPhone and Evo V


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2011
Where I live
Okay, so by now I'm sure you all know that I'm one of those idiots who wants to dish out $700 for the iPhone now that it's out on VM. My issue is, though, I can't imagine spending that much money on a phone. I know I wouldn't regret it in the long run, considering my iPod touch committed suicide and my Wildfire S is the spawn of Satan. That being said, I'd have to spend every penny I own to get it.
I was considering leaning towards the Evo V, because, well, it looks pretty damn fantastic, and it's 50+% less than the iPhone costs. Best Buy also sells it in purple, which is my favorite color. I've heard, though, that it's super buggy, and some don't even ship with ICS. I mean, I'd probably prefer to have GB over ICS, but I wouldn't mind having it.
I'm just concerned about the bugs in the Evo V, because iPhones and other iDevices are just generally NOT buggy devices; too much time and effort are put into the design of iOS for it to be overly buggy.
I guess my questions are, for someone who loves Apple products like I do, but is barely in the right to spend such an ungodly amount of money on a phone, is it worth it for me in your eyes? I have a lot of music in my iTunes library, and I don't think the measly 8GB of the iPhone 4 can hold enough music and apps for my liking. I don't want or need Siri, so I don't need to stretch the extra $100 to get the 4s. But still shelling out $600 with tax for a phone is nuts.
I do kind of like the Evo, but it's a little too big for any pockets in any clothing that I own, and it's supposed to be glitchy and problematic. It IS half the price, and has expandable memory, and is my favorite color, but I feel like I'll never use the 3D feature of the camera. And I'm so used to the interface of Apple products, and I honestly prefer it over Android OS.
I know this is a horrible issue for me to be spending so much time toiling over, when there are starving people in this country who could be fed for a month on the price I'm willing to dish out for a piece of glass and metal, but I mean, I'm 17, I can't help it! All reasoning aside, buhhh, I have issues making decisions.
I'm afraid if I settle for the Evo, I'll get a glitchy one, and regret it. I'm afraid if I splurge on the iPhone, I'll never be able to forgive myself for spending such an absurd amount of money on something I'll replace in two years. (With that, I know for a fact that I won't tire of an iPhone in two years, even an iPhone that's already two years old, because I've had my iPod touch for three years and I never wanted to upgrade it. I know I won't be "oh I got the 4 but now I want this shiny new iPhone 1000056" so wanting a new phone in six months is not going to be an issue, unlike how it was with my Wildfire S, which I now hate and have only had about 8 months).
ANYWAY, I need some strong convincing that the Evo V won't bug out on me, and that spending for the iPhone is foolish, OR reassurance that spending $600 for two pieces of glass and a piece of metal will be worth it when I pay $30/mo.
Good god, I'm a horrible person predicable American teenager... :vollkommenauf:
No one can guarantee that you'll get a non-buggy Evo, but I can say that if you do get one, VM will probably replace it for free. I, myself, have a perfectly working Evo and like others have said, it's usually only the people that have problems (which is unavoidable with so many devices out there) that you'll see in the forums trying to look for support and doesn't represent how many people actually have perfectly functioning ones.

About the iPhone...just my opinion, I think it's way too expensive for what it is, but that's entirely up to the consumer if they want to pay that amount for a product they know they will love. I think if you compare the price over a 2 year span, you'll save money over that period compared to what you'd have to pay on other carriers. If you were to stick with it for 2+ years, I'd say paying that much for a phone is justified.
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If ther screen size of the is too big for you then consider buying the One V, it's capable of what the Evo can do but it has a smaller screen and cost $100 less. But it is up to you on what you spend your money on.

I wouldn't say capable. One V is 1gHz single core and Evo V is (an underclocked) 1.2 gHz dual core with 4G connectivity (if available in your area).

They both have Beats Audio (need a ROM that has it activated on the Evo).

The one thing that I wish the Evo had that the One V has is the Image Sense camera with the ability to take pictures while recording a video.
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IMHO, if you're going to get an iPhone, don't get it through VM USA. Spend the same amount of cash and purchase an unlocked one directly from Apple, and then use it on the $30.00 a month prepaid plan at T-Mobile.

As soon as I get the cash, I'm buying an unlocked Galaxy Nexus for $350 and tossing it on T-Mobile prepaid. I'm really tired of up and down connection issues with VM.
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As a long time Apple fan (iPad, iPod and iMac) I just bought an htc EVO V 4G and am extremely pleased with it.

Just check out some of the advantages of the EVO V 4G over the iPhone

1) Battery can be replaced
2) Larger screen (4.3" vs. 3.5")
3) Dual core processor
4) Easy to add memory cards
5) Cost is half

Apple's advantage is that its software is more elegant. But is that enough reason to plunk down $250-350 more than the htc???

Someone needs to explain the real advantage! :thinking:
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As a long time Apple fan (iPad, iPod and iMac) I just bought an htc EVO V 4G and am extremely pleased with it.

Just check out some of the advantages of the EVO V 4G over the iPhone

1) Battery can be replaced
2) Larger screen (4.3" vs. 3.5")
3) Dual core processor
4) Easy to add memory cards
5) Cost is half

Apple's advantage is that its software is more elegant. But is that enough reason to plunk down $250-350 more than the htc???

Someone needs to explain the real advantage! :thinking:

Actually, the iPhone 4S has a dual core processor, as well. But you missed the big advantage of the Evo -- 4G (if available in your area). I already feel spoiled by it; I was stuck in an area where I couldn't use 4G and the 3G was soooo slow.

Probably the biggest advantage the iPhone has is the Apple idea of "it just works". It is a very stable OS and phone. Not to mention Apple service -- if you have a problem with the phone, rather than fighting with VM (unless it is a cell problem), you should be able to just take it into an Apple store and have them help you with it. And, while it doesn't help a lot, there is the deal where you can get $5 off your VM monthly charge with the iPhone.
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Actually, the iPhone 4S has a dual core processor, as well. But you missed the big advantage of the Evo -- 4G (if available in your area). I already feel spoiled by it; I was stuck in an area where I couldn't use 4G and the 3G was soooo slow.

Probably the biggest advantage the iPhone has is the Apple idea of "it just works". It is a very stable OS and phone. Not to mention Apple service -- if you have a problem with the phone, rather than fighting with VM (unless it is a cell problem), you should be able to just take it into an Apple store and have them help you with it. And, while it doesn't help a lot, there is the deal where you can get $5 off your VM monthly charge with the iPhone.

I have never had a problem with Virgin replacing a phone, I personally went through 6 Triumphs before I finally gave up. They have even sent me a replacement for a 1 1/2 year old Intercept when the usb port went on it. And unlike every other company that I have ever dealt with, when you do get a replacement your 1 year warranty starts again from the day you activate it. Everyone else gives you the remainder of the year from the date of purchase or 30 days whichever is longer. P. S. the One V is no comparison to the EVO.
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Another thing to consider is buying an used 16GB iPhone 4 (AT&T) for ~$200 and using Straight Talk for $45 unlimited. You will be paying $10-15 more in monthly service, but that only translates into $120-180 (+tax) more per year. So you can still save some money or even out since you are not paying ~$600 (w/tax) for new 8GB iPhone. However, resale value for the used phone won't be that great.
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Another thing to consider is buying an used 16GB iPhone 4 (AT&T) for ~$200 and using Straight Talk for $45 unlimited. You will be paying $10-15 more in monthly service, but that only translates into $120-180 (+tax) more per year. So you can still save some money or even out since you are not paying ~$600 (w/tax) for new 8GB iPhone. However, resale value for the used phone won't be that great.

How does one go about that? Straight Talk?

There's also the option of just putting a GoPhone SIM into an AT&T iPhone.
But I'm curious about this option....?
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As soon as I get the cash, I'm buying an unlocked Galaxy Nexus for $350 and tossing it on T-Mobile prepaid. I'm really tired of up and down connection issues with VM.

Did what I said ^. Bought the unlocked Galaxy Nexus HSPA+ today for 350. Can't wait for it to get here! The first to get Android 4.1 plus faster updates over most other phones... it was a no-brainer purchase.
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Okay, so I think I've decided that I'm going to settle for the Evo. Well, I shouldn't call it settling. It seems like the better option all-around.

Any BB discounty coupony things that might help?
Maybe there'll be a sale this week or something :3

Well I'm sure you're all proud of my decision ;_______;

Clearly I'm a little....sleep deprived.
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How does one go about that? Straight Talk?

There's also the option of just putting a GoPhone SIM into an AT&T iPhone.
But I'm curious about this option....?

I believe you can just purchase a microsim for the iPhone on their website and activate using that sim. I was contemplating that option since I already have a 32GB iPhone 4 that I used to use with AT&T until early last year. :)
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So I'm almost ready to give up my iPhone hopes and dreams for the Evo. I get in-building 4G in my area, AKA my intersection and entire town and even high school, so I'm lucky for that. Also the purple phone entices me. I want an iPhone sosososossosososososoososososososoooooooooooo badly.........but I just like the interface of iOS. I'm used to Android now too. It just seems like such a better idea...
Do you think I should give it a month or two and see if I can rake up enough money for it? Or should I just wait until I get my next check in two weeks and get the Evo?

I personally wouldn't buy the iPhone 4 or 4S since "5" should be available in few months, but prob not for VM.
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The Evo really isn't that buggy, especially coming from the Triumph. HTC makes decent phones and is good about supporting them after release. One forum poster got a response from them about the fluctuating signal issue and they said they are working on a fix.

Personally, I've had the Evo since June 2 and have had no problems with it. I have seen the fluctuating signal issue, but it hasn't caused me to drop calls or lose signal completely. In fact, I get better reception than I did with my Triumph. Overall, I'm very impressed with it.

Regarding the few who have got GB on theirs out of the box, it's obvious that they just got passed quality control. Just buy it at a store and if you have a problem then exchange it.

You should base your decision on whether you prefer iOS or Android, don't let a few people with defective units sway you. The Evo clearly has superior specs, but the OS is what you'll be interacting with day to day.
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As a long time Apple fan (iPad, iPod and iMac) I just bought an htc EVO V 4G and am extremely pleased with it.

Just check out some of the advantages of the EVO V 4G over the iPhone

1) Battery can be replaced
2) Larger screen (4.3" vs. 3.5")
3) Dual core processor
4) Easy to add memory cards
5) Cost is half

Apple's advantage is that its software is more elegant. But is that enough reason to plunk down $250-350 more than the htc???

Someone needs to explain the real advantage! :thinking:

Amen! I already have enough Mac products. (MacBook, iMac, iPad) I don't regret my Evo purchase what so ever.

BESIDES- the new ones will be out in September.
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