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First-World Problems


Android Expert
Oh dear...


Edit: Hidden because of strong language
I'm not. I seriously hope I'm dead before that generation of entitled brats is running things.
I'm not. I seriously hope I'm dead before that generation of entitled brats is running things.

I can't believe it... not only the complete lack of appreciation, but the damn greed. What sick people. I always feel guilty during the holidays because of the less fortunate. But man, I just feel SO DAMN BAD for these spoiled snots. </sarcasm>
what their parents should have done?
Their parents should have bought them a booby-trapped pepperspay gift... *spoiled brat opens gift* <cssssst> AAAAHHH MY EYES!!!

Lesson learned. Next year their tweets would be:
Sp01ledBr@T: Wow, this xmas rocked. Got a gift! AND no pepperspray! Thanks folks!
I bet their parents are just as bad as the kids, complaining about the OWS groups and how the unemployed are getting extended benefits, etc etc etc...
Please tell me that's photoshopped....and I mean completely....

+1 ...I can't imagine so many kids being THAT selfish and entitled. Otherwise, it's a sad sad world if these kids don't realize about their selfishness. I mean really...your parents must be filthy loaded to get you a car for Christmas. But they are pretty narrow minded to think it's the end of the world as they didn't get a bloody iPhone, lol. These kids need a trip to a village in a third world country.
I would be in jail if one of my kids tweeted anything like that.

My crime: beating the living hell out of my kid.

Luckily my kids appreciate what we do for them. These kids may be little spoiled sh!ts but I honestly look around at other parents and wonder what the hell they are thinking when they let kids run around and do the things they do.
Wow...am I the only one that has told their parents to not get me anything since I was 15? I would tell them to spend the money on my little brother (he was a toddler at the time).
+1 ...I can't imagine so many kids being THAT selfish and entitled. Otherwise, it's a sad sad world if these kids don't realize about their selfishness. I mean really...your parents must be filthy loaded to get you a car for Christmas. But they are pretty narrow minded to think it's the end of the world as they didn't get a bloody iPhone, lol. These kids need a trip to a village in a third world country.

Yeah, perhaps one of these: Basel Action Network (BAN)
i'm really torn about this. While I do agree completely that these children are spoiled I think theres got to be something else behind these posts. Maybe i just have too much faith in humanity still, but I can't believe that theres this many spoiled brats out there, maybe these are follow up posts or sarcastic posts. I know a lot of stuff I post on facebook would look bad if you don't know me and how I am, but given my personality and rampant sarcasm.
Please tell me that's photoshopped....and I mean completely....


Sk8boardLee26 was quoted out of context and taking all sorts of crap.

mikaelatorixo's tweets include "Locking myself in my room and ignoring my parents for the rest of my life" and "i am going to punch my mom in the face , not even kidding"

Sarahhh194 deleted her tweets but the aftermath says she said that and worse.

I stopped checking after it wasn't funny anymore.
It's not funny period, the most shallow and spoiled brats you can possibly find....I would line them all up and knock em all out.
The second guy Leon...I dont believe it... he got a Camaro for christmas, but does not even know how to spell it correctly? gimmie a break.
Most of those kids need a good ole fashion ass whipping. When I was young if I got out of line my dad would keep me in check, and I am thankful everyday that he did. Otherwise no telling how I might have turned out.
I'm sure there's a lot of nice kids out there...but I hope these kids get absolutely slaughtered on the internet for their selfishness. Hack every account they have and delete them from the internet, it's making them spoilt brats.
In japan, we call twitter "the idiot detector".

I am not only surprised at how greedy and ungrateful these kids are, but also on how they can think it is ok to be publicly sharing these thoughts.

I sure hope their tweets will come back and bite them in their asses.

As for me, we don't even do Christmas anymore.
We are not Christian, we don't have kids, and we have work to do!
So it's just a load of people complaining about what they did or didn't get for Xmas on Twitter. I bet there's millions of comments like this all over Twitter and Facebook. Why the significance here?

BTW Santa didn't give me a new Rolls Royce Phantom...gutted.
I don't know. It just looks like a language thing, to me. If a word or two were changed it'd be the same as any generation; all kids feel "entitled" to some degree, more for some kids, less for others, but they all want stuff and always have, no matter what they say about that now that they're older. ;)

"Dog gone it, no car for my b-day. Oh well, to heck with dad."

"Phooey, no private phone line of my own, again! Darn it! My parents are so square!"

I don't know. It just looks like a language thing, to me. If a word or two were changed it'd be the same as any generation; all kids feel "entitled" to some degree, more for some kids, less for others, but they all want stuff and always have, no matter what they say about that now that they're older. ;)

"Dog gone it, no car for my b-day. Oh well, to heck with dad."

"Phooey, no private phone line of my own, again! Darn it! My parents are so square!"

I think it's the fact that they made these thoughts public to the world how their parents are horrible because they couldn't get them an iPhone. Do the kids not realize that we are in a recession here?

It's like my 10 year old niece telling her mom that she HAS to go to Dominican this year. They go EVERY YEAR and her mom cannot have the family NOT go this year as well. It's ONLY $5,000. Why is her mom being so cheap, it's only ONCE a year. So...she and the family are going to the Dominican in March.

I half blame the parents for the righteous mentality that these kids are growing up with. The parents put the thought into these kids head that anything they want...they get. If the parents can't deliver, well you see these type of twitters.
"Dog gone it, no car for my b-day. Oh well, to heck with dad."

"Phooey, no private phone line of my own, again! Darn it! My parents are so square!"


My generation:-

"Rats..didn't get that Raleigh Chopper I was promised.. hate my parents."

Current generation:-

"Rats..didn't get that Apple Ipad 2 I was promised.. hate my parents."

(colourful vulgar slang maybe added if desired)

...of course in my generation there was no Twitter to let the world know of my thoughts, just my school friends.
True Roze, family stuff, angst over parental disappointments, etc were not aired as readily a few generations ago as they are now by many kids.

I have mixed feelings about it, even the stuff up there in the OP. On the one hand, as I said before, it looks like language is the biggest difference from the past, not the overall expectations about what they should have received: the stuff they're saying is the same as before. ;)

I remember a friend crying after she found out that her graduation gift (high school 1964) was a non-cashmere (but cashmere lookalike) sweater and not the gold cross pendant necklace she expected.

The whole school jabbered about it, along with Chuck's anger over not getting his expected new trumpet, Jerry's whining about getting a cheap plastic microscope instead of the fine scientific one he had his eye on, Dale's envy over anyone who got a car while all he got was a new surf board, etc etc etc. Ah, the memories. :D

And nothing has changed except for the language and the prizes.
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