Android Enthusiast
If you watch the sunrise or sunset (the 2 safest times to actually look at the sun directly) the sun is round. After that you watch the moon and it is also round. So are these simply disks that happen to always face us? Or are they round and the flat earth is simply a happy accident? If it is, in fact, flat then how thick is this disc we ride on? Given all the modern technology available we should be able to dig to the other side, right? I guess one could argue there is no water in the moon 'cuz it all rolled off. And all our "friends" in "other countries" with different "time zones" are really just fooling us about it being dark where they are when it's light here, right?
I think it isn't far-fetched to think our government(s) often try to redirect our thinking on many things but in order for all of that to work it would have to be controlled by one "master" government capable of keeping that delusion alive. Since we often can't even agree on simple trading rules, humanitarian rules, etc., how the heck would they all be able to agree to conspire on a round earth conspiracy? And did this same master government conspire to bury all those "dinosaur" bones in various areas of the earth or do they just have a factory somewhere to make them for display purposes? And of course we have the old gem "If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes?" I have a friend who doesn't believe in evolution OR creationism so I am still trying to figure out if he thinks we are just some happy accident. I am also pretty sure he thinks there can't possibly be other forms of life other than on earth. My theory on that: I think there are other sentient beings out there and they are simply smart enough to avoid us like the plague
I think it isn't far-fetched to think our government(s) often try to redirect our thinking on many things but in order for all of that to work it would have to be controlled by one "master" government capable of keeping that delusion alive. Since we often can't even agree on simple trading rules, humanitarian rules, etc., how the heck would they all be able to agree to conspire on a round earth conspiracy? And did this same master government conspire to bury all those "dinosaur" bones in various areas of the earth or do they just have a factory somewhere to make them for display purposes? And of course we have the old gem "If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes?" I have a friend who doesn't believe in evolution OR creationism so I am still trying to figure out if he thinks we are just some happy accident. I am also pretty sure he thinks there can't possibly be other forms of life other than on earth. My theory on that: I think there are other sentient beings out there and they are simply smart enough to avoid us like the plague