Hey all
Thought I would share a photo and a quick story if you don't mind
It has been nearly 3 months since I picked up my main camera, a 5DmkII. I have been using my g12, taking it with me to work and such getting a few photos here and there but have not been posting them. I would get some fantastic sunsets but often have a major street to shoot over and either a lot of clutter (like houses and tree tops) or boring flat photos of massive sky with little else (im big on clouds) So, I would get some shots, get home and look at them and just close the window and forget I took them.
So, getting out has been hard due to work and the short days so, photography has been on the back burner for a while. Well, I ended up getting my mom a point and shoot camera, a decent one, last years model, a powershot S95 so she can start out taking photos in auto and work her way up to full manual. She is totaly lost right now but luckly the camera takes some good photos in full auto.
I decided we better test the camera out so I waited to nearly sunset, and got her to get her new toy and we could try to shoot the sunset. Figured it would be a treat for both of us to have a photoshoot together. I was right. It was fun. At first she thought the sunset was going to be bland, but I told her the best part was AFTER the sun goes down. Sure enough, a short time later, the color gets really good, she is off in the yard doing her own thing.
Mean while I am trying to make the best of being crammed in my non-photogenic yard. I am trying new things, leaning up against the fence and so on. It had been so long since I used my camera I forgot to format the memory card and only had about 40 shots before I ran out of card space.

And I was bracketing exposures. So, double

As the color started to peak, my card filled up. Oops.
But I got this:
It was great fun to have some one to shoot with and my mom to boot! I was going to get her an SLR which she could use my full assortment of lenses but the best camera is the one you have with you. Now, I got to set her computer up and perhaps a flickr
BTW, the image above is one I shot. Still need to get the ones off her camera. I just felt like sharing a bit of a story and a photo. Hope no one minded