I KNOW there were! They could make a reality show out of the thread and it would be better than half the crap on TV now...
I also edited my post to include EarlyMon... because he was trying so hard to be the level-headed oversight guy (and we were pushing every button in his elevator)...
FOUND IT! All 88,755 posts!
Thread will be unstickied and allowed to sink in a few days.
EarlyMon's Closing
Steven's three part closing posts
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We roll the credits
The wait is OVER!! Link to Phandroid Article!!!!
Nifty Gnex TV commercials!
Wanna meet fellow Nexicans when you purchase your phone? Check out the "Store meetup thread"
THREAD CLOSING @ 12:30 pm est-ish (Please post your thank you-final posts BEFORE then. TIA! 