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Galaxy Nexus Watering Hole

I'm pretty sure the Epic Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release Thread still holds the record as having FAR more posts than anything in AF history... and poor @Steven58 was put in charge of maintaining order in that thread full of nutcases...
Screenshot 2024-09-05 144420.png
I'm pretty sure the Epic Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release Thread still holds the record as having FAR more posts than anything in AF history... and poor @Steven58 was put in charge of maintaining order in that thread full of nutcases...
They deleted the thread over time. It was too big. :(
Yeah, some dearly departed predecessors like OfTheDamned were trying to help Steven... and they had to boot a lot of people LOL
Early was the biggest help, actually.
I KNOW there were! They could make a reality show out of the thread and it would be better than half the crap on TV now...

I also edited my post to include EarlyMon... because he was trying so hard to be the level-headed oversight guy (and we were pushing every button in his elevator)...

FOUND IT! All 88,755 posts!
So many names brought memories flooding back... breadnatty, so many others long gone... I think the icing on the cake - with all the hysteria around the Galaxy Nexus - was when many of us, having tested and tormented Steven for so long, pitched in enough to buy his Galaxy Nexus. Everyone donated what they could and we told him that his phone was paid for. That's the kind of people we had then... it's the caliber of people in charge now... and it's why I'm still here after 15 years.
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I KNOW there were! They could make a reality show out of the thread and it would be better than half the crap on TV now...

I also edited my post to include EarlyMon... because he was trying so hard to be the level-headed oversight guy (and we were pushing every button in his elevator)...

FOUND IT! All 88,755 posts!
HUH.. I thought it was gone!
Wow, looking it over. Memories. You couldn't have anything like that nowadays, now that upgrades are only minor with yearly iterations. Nothing is exciting anymore, and android and iPhone are pretty much generic and the same.
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