Android Expert
Nope. The only thing I did was sign out of GTalk on the phone. I don't think it has been specifically identified as to what part of GTalk (if it is even GTalk....I can only speak from what my phone is doing) is affecting the battery life/Android OS so much.
Whatever it is, I'd consider it a bug that needs to be fixed.
Problem is, I can never remember to turn it back on when I leave for home, or work, etc....I hope the NFC Tags may help with that later....
I know it's been said before, but something like Tasker can help with that. Add a rule that whenever you arrive or leave a certain location, start or stop an app.
If you're carrying on long conversations on a PC and your phone is constantly receiving the messages notifications and reacting to them, yeah I could see it consuming some juice.Several of the suggestions that I saw, listed the GTalk as a duplicate app...which kind of makes sense to me, if you have a computer logged in on GTalk at work, and its logged in on your phone, and it may be logged in at home on a computer workstation, although asleep (Which all of that is true for me), every computer is not receiving every IM, but your phone is receiving ALL IMs in GTalk. . So, when I am in front of my computer at work, then I should only be using the GTalk on that computer, and not have it signed in on my phone......But, that is the part that is amazing to me....a Google app????
But AFAICT that's not how it works on my Rez, where after my Rez is woken up from sleeping there's a flurry of activity as GTalk displays all of the messages that came in since it was last awake.