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Galaxy Nexus Watering Hole

Hey all!!!! Got the Sonogram done today!!!!
The HB is 182BPM and my wife is 9 weeks and 4 days along, with a estimated delivery date of 7/14/2011. I cant wait :) Heres the best pic :) Im soooo relieved its only 1 and its in great health :) If you look suuuuuper close you can make out the eye area and the nose :)



Im hoping for a Girl:

Lily Marie-Elizabeth

if its a boy:

Aiden Matthew

Pic is broken!
But congratulations!
Hey all!!!! Got the Sonogram done today!!!!
The HB is 182BPM and my wife is 9 weeks and 4 days along, with a estimated delivery date of 7/14/2011. I cant wait :) Heres the best pic :) Im soooo relieved its only 1 and its in great health :) If you look suuuuuper close you can make out the eye area and the nose :)


Im hoping for a Girl:

Lily Marie-Elizabeth

if its a boy:

Aiden Matthew
Now that the pboohas been officially announced its hard to log into the prerelease thread without the ape force closing, so I checked in here to see if it would work.

It does.
How early is everyone gonnna show up to their respective stores 15min? 30? an hour? wanna try to get a gage on when i need to show up lol.
How early is everyone gonnna show up to their respective stores 15min? 30? an hour? wanna try to get a gage on when i need to show up lol.

Mine doesn't open until well after I have to be at work so now I'm debating staying up late (who am I kidding, I stay up that late anyway) and trying to order one from Let's Talk.
How early is everyone gonnna show up to their respective stores 15min? 30? an hour? wanna try to get a gage on when i need to show up lol.
Hmm, I'll probably plan to get there right when the store opens at 8. I live in a big city, but I'm hoping the store had enough foresight to have a large amount of stock of the phone.
Got the Sonogram done today!!!!
The HB is 182BPM and my wife is 9 weeks and 4 days along, with a estimated delivery date of 7/14/2011.

I know I'm late but I think it's so cool you're going back in time to have your baby!!
Babies rock :D

Cute names too! :p
Toto.....I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. Oh..it's nexus land!

Thanks BB for the soft place to land. Now I don't have to go through thread withdrawl. Cannot wait until I have my baby in my hands.....tomorrow is N day!
This is like the 1st day of 1st grade for me. All the kids i was in kindergarten with are here, but there are several new faces that I don't recognize, but have obvious clout around here. I'll lurk in the corner mostly, but am glad to see so many old friends, TTYS :)
How early is everyone gonnna show up to their respective stores 15min? 30? an hour? wanna try to get a gage on when i need to show up lol.

I can't show until about 9. Have to drop my daughter off at school first then sit in about 7 miles of traffic. It'll be worth it though!

Hmmm... Always partial to their Butterfinger Blizzard myself, but then again, I almost never eat ice cream. :D Still, I like the thought process, good news for mom = ice cream for the daughter! Wooo!

Ice cream is a weakness of mine so I use any excuse I can to have it. :D
The butterfinger is one of my favorites though!
How early is everyone gonnna show up to their respective stores 15min? 30? an hour? wanna try to get a gage on when i need to show up lol.

bout 8:50 for me i think - im on-site for work purposes and will be sending off my underlings into the job and will be bolting over to the VZW store thats <5 minutes away :D
Hey all!!!! Got the Sonogram done today!!!!
The HB is 182BPM and my wife is 9 weeks and 4 days along, with a estimated delivery date of 7/14/2011. I cant wait :) Heres the best pic :) Im soooo relieved its only 1 and its in great health :) If you look suuuuuper close you can make out the eye area and the nose :)

Alright on it, I'll see where I can hack more information out of and find some leads

/me looks around the room.....*waves*

Now that our beloved Nexus is upon us....all the pent up tensions have gone and I feel relaxed.

That nexus pre release thread dang near broke my f5 button.
Looking forward to a more relaxed pace in here.
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