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Galaxy Note4



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Speaking of sound..I think I messed up my speakers on my phone..I was using Total Commander..and there's a equalizer and I was playing with it's sound and settings..and there was a moment started sounding bad(not loud but very bad)..that was last week..ever since they have some static some times every times I'm playing a video or a song that I have dl or even in YouTube..
Not really, but if you mess up with deleting system files, you can wipe the sysrem partition, dalvik /cache in advanced TWRP wipe. Then go to your previous system back up and flash just that partition instead of doing everything all over again. Hopefully :)

How do you flash just a partial of the whole back up..my twrp doesn't give me that option
I wanna learn everything you know..

@Xavier Black my friend , Im still learning. For instance, I couldn't find any info on flashing a rooted lollipop custom rom over a Marshmallow bootloader and Modem.

many members of XDA with the Sprint Note 4 latest update to N910PVPU5DQ15
Javi..Thank you very much for finding all those links you share with me, bro..I apreciate that

Your very welcome my friend. :) Here's one that explains how to port an android. Read it over a few time and copy the screen shots and you'll find it extremely useful. After a while, you'll just remember and you won't need to refer to the screen shot when porting the system permissions of foulder, files, libs, obbs, xmls and the rest.
Once you familiarize yourself with system permissions, then you'll have a better understanding of how I uninstall system apps and how I'm changing the folder permissions before unistalling the system app.

The link is for porting and you'll find it very useful information.

The lollipop rom comes with an Aroma installer and I re-flashed the .zip and made changes to my rom. The GRX TouchWiz home v8 mod is not compatible with lollipop but the Arome had a modified TouchWiz home that looked a bit more modern.
Javi!, flashed the deodex custom and is running permissive..with the xposed apps but they aren't doing anything..like the resolver didn't work either..the dark mode has black letters over a black screen..i did install the fixer but nothing..so I can't read anything..the rom feels lite though..if I solve those two..it's a keeper..

You mentioned that by default is already over clocked???
Hey bro, how you doing¿, please answer this two question for me..
I'm having very bad 4g LTE connection..even the LTE is displayed at all the times..that's bad..as it was before the rom was about 8mbs the down/up speed..now it barely is at 3mbs


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Hey bro, how you doing¿, please answer this two question for me..
I'm having very bad 4g LTE connection..even the LTE is displayed at all the times..that's bad..as it was before the rom was about 8mbs the down/up speed..now it barely is at 3mbs

Flash you stock kernel and keep the deodexed rom.
Thats what the fused 3 has done to your phone. Just like the fused 5 did to mine. Prevents us from downgrading or firmware bootloader and modems (baseband).
Thats why I used ZArchiver to coppy the boot.img from one kernel and place it in the .zip of the newer one.
I remember when I could partition the external sd in three and use Link2SD and App2sd and ram expander. Turn 3Gb ram into 4Gb ram Note 4.
If I were in your shoes, I would go back to stock rooted and the custom kernel. The overckocking is the ability of the kernel but to do so you need abkernel tweaker or Kernel Adiutor app to apply custom settings of your choice. YOou need 4g/LTE more than you need a custom rom. Yes?
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