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Galaxy Note4

I flashed the props from TWRP and manually changed


Yes I converted that one that supposed to be true I change it to false but then later when the phone was heating up I deleted the rest of the script that was supposed to be added on the build prop..
If you weren't having battery overheating issues before the build prop changes, I'd also revert back to the original settings.

Yes I deleted those two build props I added it into the build prop but I haven't changed that one that I convert to false…still false so I have to change it to true but I'm waiting a little bit..


  • Screenshot_2020-03-10-17-43-42.png
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As you mentioned changing this back to true because it was causing issues with your N4. I had to do the same. I'm still testing the others.

Wow!, can't believe it!,.so what I did..i undo those two twicks inside the build prop..but the only thing is I left in "false"..I'm testing it.

But yes, those two turned out to be not good..but the bunch ones I shared with you previously..I've tested them..and they are bullet prove..they are really really really good..
Try this..don't add those two your shared with me..but just do the turning "false" thing..just that one..but don't add the complement part of it..same as I still have it..and let me how that works..I think that's it..that one alone will do the trick we are looking for..the one those guys were grateful for with the creator.
I'm so happy like you have not idea with the capability that I don't have to deal any more with the "always" dialog..all thanks to you, Javi..
I'm so happy like you have not idea with the capability that I don't have to deal any more with the "always" dialog..all thanks to you, Javi..

Your very welcome Xavier

I also remember being forced to choose always by default. It was a consistent frustration. Nice to know you have freedom of choice again.
Hey, I think that with just the false statement the prop runs just a little tiny bit warmer than normal but just a little bit and not as like when we had those two build props in full stand...maybe about 5° more.
Hey, I think that with just the false statement the prop runs just a little tiny bit warmer than normal but just a little bit and not as like when we had those two build props in full stand...maybe about 5° more.

Yes, I agree and it wasn't until later that I began to notice instability on my N4. After I reversed bact to "true" things stabled out.
I added Viper4Android to my N4 again as well as a .zip stereo mod. Sound much better.

I haven't tried reverting the others and change "true" to "false" as you have. I will test it like this as you are testing the opposite. If I notice any issues I'll make changes.
I haven't tried reverting the others and change "true" to "false" as you have. I will test it like this as you are testing the opposite. If I notice any issues I'll make changes.

Ok, so the only thing you have on your phone now is the two build props except for the part of the false statement?, did I get it right??
Yes, I agree and it wasn't until later that I began to notice instability on my N4. After I reversed bact to "true" things stabled out.
I added Viper4Android to my N4 again as well as a .zip stereo mod. Sound much better.


I've downloaded the files for viper for a while already buy I don't know how to do the procedure..it's complicated.."you have to flash, then you have to go in folder then install this and then that.." I don't know..I wanted to but, well you know..
I've downloaded the files for viper for a while already buy I don't know how to do the procedure..it's complicated.."you have to flash, then you have to go in folder then install this and then that.." I don't know..I wanted to but, well you know..

I extracted the .zip which is not flashible. Then I posted the libs and audio effects profile and set proper permission. After extraction it will look like the above.
The viper4 su policy .zip is only needed if your device has an enforcing kernel, if so that part can be flashed to change it to permissive
I'm going to revert the sound I have..but first I need to know exactly what to do..that guy isn't clear..all least to my taste.

So I put the viper app into the system..then change permissions..then what else..tell me like I was 5 please.
Hey! among all the thousands of threads all across the forum this is the only thread that is not a off-topic or silly conversations..this is the only one that is technically serious that has these many responses and texts and views..
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