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Gas in your.....

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Is it proportionate to income as well, or are you paying what it would be for me to pay that amount?

It's hard to say. The dollar has always been worth less that the pound. Its currently around 0.65 GBP to 1.00 USD. At the height of the recession, it was 0.50 GBP to 1 USD.

When I was a child, trainers that were
Can't bothered giving an example, but some cats built in Europe and shipped to the colonies cost less, considerably, then they cost at 'home'.

The gap is getting smaller I believe, but it's still there.

Point bring that motoring is generally cheaper in the US
Fortunately so. Because we don't have many options here for public transport compared to you guys.
Also depends on where you live. Public transportation in Seattle is actually really good.

When I was in Dallas it was almost non existent.

Different cities manage public transportation differently. Personally I normally like to drive regardless of the cost though.
Well our petrol has actually dropped in price (now 1.29'9p per litre) but don't go getting me started on public transport.....

Too late,

I stay in a medium sized Scottish village around 20 miles from my work place in a town called Kilmarnock, where I stay we have a train station....

I work backshift (4pm to 10pm week nights, 9 am to 5 pm weekends) at night to get home via public transport I'd need to get a train at about 11.30pm, can't do it by bus, unless I wait till the morning. Weekends are not much better, I have to walk 5 miles to the next big village to get my first bus on a Sunday at 9.15am, our I could get the first train from my local station, at 2.30 Pm.... YES, THAT IS PM! AND THE FIRST TRAIN AVAILABLE.

yet they want us too use public transport???
Filled up today at $3.159. It's kind of odd because some gas stations are still selling at around $3.309 a gallon. I'm thinking some stations are really trying to keep prices up while other gas stations are lowering their prices. For the record, it seems like the big companies, Exxon, Shell, Cheveron are priced higher than some of the other gas companies.

I'm definitely glad that the prices are coming down considering how many miles I've been putting on my car. So far in over 2 weeks, I've logged 1000 miles for work.
Filled up today at $3.159. It's kind of odd because some gas stations are still selling at around $3.309 a gallon. I'm thinking some stations are really trying to keep prices up while other gas stations are lowering their prices. For the record, it seems like the big companies, Exxon, Shell, Cheveron are priced higher than some of the other gas companies.

I'm definitely glad that the prices are coming down considering how many miles I've been putting on my car. So far in over 2 weeks, I've logged 1000 miles for work.
gas stations are suposed to and don't follow the rules, but can't change the price till the next shipment comes in. whether raiseing or lowering the price. but who follows rules nowadays anyway.
$3.05 this morning coming home from work this morning. That was yesterdays price because I was coming home at five and they weren't open yet. So here's hoping they are under $3.00 when I go back to work tonight!
What do you mean? I doubt that. UK public transport is shambles.

We are considered lucky because we have a bus system that does rounds in many busy areas of the city. Even then, the system is nowhere near able to handle a 200,000 person city.

Go to most nearby towns and small cities, and you have nothing. Your choices are walk, bike, or drive/get a ride from someone you know. And while many towns can at least provide the necessities and are small enough to make biking practical, sometimes you need to drive 50 miles away to a nearby city for something you can't get locally. And if you don't own a car, that makes it extremely hard to do since there are no buses or trains that connect cities in any way.

This is pretty much the case anywhere in the midwest that isn't a major city. Since we are such a car-centric nation, there really is no real national public transport system to speak of period.
I just filled her up at sunoco here in Pa $3.17 a gallon then i used my .70cent off per gallon discount from Price Chopper so $2.47 a gallon i paid :)
Gas took a ten cent increase today around here. It's back to $3.359

SHHH!! You're going to jinx us! :p

While we are talking about gas prices, who else uses the GasBuddy app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gbis.gbandroid&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDMsImdiaXMuZ2JhbmRyb2lkIl0..

I'm not sure if it works outside the US, but here in the states I have found it to be great. All of the prices are user updated, and pretty accurate from what I have found. Helped me save a few bucks here and there. :D

*Edit: It is US and Canada only, just read the description

I try to use it whenever possible. That was probably one of the very first apps I ever downloaded. Damn shame that it's not available to other countries.

I filled up a couple of days ago here in SoCal at $4.29 a gallon (87 octane).

Yikes! Even when I had a big honking V8 that required 93 octane, I never saw anything higher than $4.249 a gallon.

Around this time of the year, gas prices tend to go up which is one of the reasons I'm surprised that they're going down. We're more than likely just 1 world event away from it going back up I suspect. Oh well, I'll fill up frequently now while I can.
$3.57 in central Maryland, which is a lot better than the $4.++ a few weeks ago, or the $5.++ they were talking about by end of Summer. Yikes!
I've seen anywhere from $3.29 to 3.49 per gallon. Surprisingly, the cheapest seems to be in the ghetto areas!
$3.57 in central Maryland, which is a lot better than the $4.++ a few weeks ago, or the $5.++ they were talking about by end of Summer. Yikes!

They throw out the $5.00/gal. threat so that when the prices settles in around $3.50 you think it's cheap. ;)
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