I am going to need a new name..haha.. too many posts..
I wanna O/C this thing..
We need source for the kernel..
As I was saying above.. if we can get the 3 part flashing going.. then it means we can flash kernel separately..
i.e - flash u-boot upgrades..flash image upgrades and then flash Kernel..
Bloody Chinese need to release source so some bright bugger can work on it..
I am sure we could over clock the box's up to 1200-1400 as heat is not a problem on mine..
its got a fan and well ventilated.. so I would love to see how fast and stable the 800's are on o/c..
I am kinds spewing.. should have done a bit more research on them.. as the dual core are out already..
thinking of selling mine and upgrading already.. but might kill it instead with playing with it..as they are cheap enough..
At the moment, it wont let me O/C so we need to pull the kernel apart.. and put some new governors in it..
ok.. I will start the bidding..
$US50 to any PayPal account for someone to supply me a kernel that I can flash and can O/C

O.. if you could add in "uniput.ko" as well.. then we would be cooking with gas..
and now I am sure others will want it..
so if we all chip in..
I am sure someone could rise to the challenge..