I get where most of you are coming from with the "why would you get a Droid without a data plan" question and for most people it won't make sense. However as a previous poster stated for people who are near a WiFi hotspot for the majority of the day it really is a waste of money to spend $30 a month on a data plan. I am actually currently doing what another poster suggested, I have a Ipod touch which I use to check email, browse web, etc. and a separate phone to make calls. I am typically near a WiFi hotspot for most of the day and would really like to buy a smartphone, preferably an android based one, with a voice only plan. Now if I was able to get a voice only plan, I certainly would not expect Verizon to sell me the phone at the same price as people signing up for both data and voice. They have a data only plan, why can't they offer a voice only plan. I am actually going to look into the dataplan w/skype option that colnago suggested that sounds interesting.