I have been trying to do that with the Samsung Z fold 3. It will not allow it, I guess. When I press and hold an icon, it does show the remove option, but I cannot drag it there, and I cannot force it to open, even with both hands. The most I can do is move it around on the screen. Ideally I would trash most of those apps, too, but at least no icons at "home" would, I hope, mean that I wouldn't get those annoying messages when I'm trying to do something else. Not being able to connect to Bixby is the worst. I mean the message. I don't care about Bixby. I don't want it. There are maybe 3 separate Bixby apps lying that they"need" all those permissions. I wish I could shut that down entirely. I am trying my best to use this thing as a camera only (and gallery, of course). I recently went through and disabled just about everything I could except those. Is there any more I can do about it without rooting?