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Getting VZW to help with silent issue

What tips have people tried that have worked with getting VZW to help. Obviously a new phone will not work since it is a problem with the 2.1 software. Would trying a bit on the iPhone 4 work. Or even saying they are stealing money from us by not provided services that we are paying for in the minutes that we cannot use due to lack of audio? My sister is on her 3rd Eris and I am on my 1st only because of the hassle I have to go through to redo my settings and its pointlessness of a with this issue refurb. It is getting to the point where it seems like my problem is happening more and more Any ideas or tips would be appreciated.

Supposedly their releasing an update to fix this soon, so just be patient. Buy a bluetooth if its that bad for you. I updated my prl and now i dont have the issue anymore, though, a bunch of people said a bunch of different things about that.

I know they keep saying "soon," but when is "soon?" If a month, fine...but 3 months, that's unacceptable for me. My phone (about 1-2 times a day) won't let me dial out at all. I click the contact in my call log or I can even type the number in, and nothing happens. It gets really frustrating, because I can't use my phone as a phone.

:( I loved my Eris with 1.5, but I am slowly starting to lose loyalty.
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I know they keep saying "soon," but when is "soon?" If a month, fine...but 3 months, that's unacceptable for me. My phone (about 1-2 times a day) won't let me dial out at all. I click the contact in my call log or I can even type the number in, and nothing happens. It gets really frustrating, because I can't use my phone as a phone.

:( I loved my Eris with 1.5, but I am slowly starting to lose loyalty.

Yeah, I wouldn't put up with "a fix is coming" for a single day if I knew there were phones out there that work correctly. Especially given Verizon's track record for getting updates out in a timely fashion. A lot of us were promised 2.1 OTA in January, and it didn't come until May.
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