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Help Gmail App and Contacts


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
Is it just me, but when you click on compose in the Gmail app, you cannot click on the TO: field to bring up contacts. If you start entering the persons name it shows me available options. But I want to be able to open my contacts and add from there.
Is it just me, but when you click on compose in the Gmail app, you cannot click on the TO: field to bring up contacts. If you start entering the persons name it shows me available options. But I want to be able to open my contacts and add from there.

Have you tried opening People, selecting a Contact and choosing Email? It then asks you to choose a default method for sending email (depending on how many email options you have)?

I agree being able to click "To" in the gmail app would be nice, but you can launch the app from People once you choose a contact.

Hope this helps!
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