Here's a few more to add:
Screen settings
Desktop settings
Grid size - the numbers refer to rows first and columns second, the opposite of what you would expect.
4x4, 5x4, 5x5, and custom grids all stay the same when in landscape mode. For example, if you set it to 5 rows and 4 columns, it will have 5 rows and 4 columns in both portrait and landscape. This is pretty obnoxious because it squishes the icons together when I switch to landscape.
App Drawer settings
App drawer tab - the tab at the top of the app screen that shows "all", "recent", or "running"
Grid size - the numbers refer to rows first and columns second, the opposite of what you would expect.
4x4, 4x5, 5x4 switch to 3 rows and 6 columns when in landscape mode
5x5 switches to 4 rows and 6 columns when in landscape mode
Custom grids stay the same when in landscape mode. For example, if you set it to 5 rows and 4 columns, it will have 5 rows and 4 columns in both portrait and landscape.
App Drawer
Enter transition - this is the transition when entering or exiting the app drawer.
Operation Settings
Screen Orientation
Keep vertical (disable keyboard) - this keeps the home screen and app screen from rotating when you slide out a physical keyboard. It doesn't affect any other screens and it doesn't actually disable the keyboard.
Here's an important note. With the stock launcher, you press the "contacts" icon from the home screen and it takes you to the contacts, where the contacts menu is at the top ("Contacts", "Groups", "History", and "Activities"). Using Go Launcher EX, you hit the contacts icon from the home screen and it takes you to the screen but without this menu. If you hit "back", the menu appears. I almost uninstalled this software because I couldn't figure out how to get to my groups!
In the app screen, when you hit the menu key, "settings" takes you to Go Launcher EX settings. In the home screen, when you hit the menu key, "preferences" takes you to Go Launcher EX settings. "Settings" takes you to phone settings. I must have hit the wrong key 50 times.