The 'got pets' thread made me think there should be a 'got kids' thread!! Who has kids? What do they do, or are they still youngin's? What do they look like?
Here is my son, he is a Wildlife Biologist currently working in SD with Piping Plovers (threatened) and Least Terns (endangered). As you can see, he is a goof.
Having a standoff with an Avocet:
Playing 'magic' with a Piping Plover:
A Turkey Vulture baby (in PA, a few years ago):
Giving a research presentation to the local chapter of The National Wildlife Society:
So...let's see your kids!!
Here is my son, he is a Wildlife Biologist currently working in SD with Piping Plovers (threatened) and Least Terns (endangered). As you can see, he is a goof.
Having a standoff with an Avocet:

Playing 'magic' with a Piping Plover:

A Turkey Vulture baby (in PA, a few years ago):

Giving a research presentation to the local chapter of The National Wildlife Society:

So...let's see your kids!!