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Great day for the Evo 4G and Sprint

You have to be kidding me? They think that is good business? I keep asking my friends that are on att why they wont leave. All they can say is that sprint sux. We live in Houston for crying out loud. Nothing here sux except for cricket! and even that is not so bad as long as you dont leave the city. I am not sure how people can afford to stay with att. I guess the iphone is just that good to them. I have a frriend at work that pays 230 a month for her phone and air card. We have a company discount on sprint and with that and two phones and an air card I pay about 150. That math makes no sense to me. and she does not even have an iphone. geeze what a rip!!!!
First off, outstanding thread.

As for the quote,
a few years ago Sprint had such a bad reputation between dropped calls, bad customer service, no nice phones etc etc, but in all the years I've been with them I have no complaints. But for those that did experience the bad side of Sprint, it is very hard to get over it, as well as word of (bad) mouthing. Its hard trying to get out of a bad reputation even though the company has turned 180 degrees and is much more better than ever before. Its just like Hyundai. Bad reputation for such a long time and look at them now, with numerous car and driver, JP Power awards out the wazoo. Sprint is getting there, and the others are aware that the little monkey on their back is now a gorilla about to pounce with new phones, great plans and great service.

TS out (getting a banana)
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i just read...

AT&T will change thier new data plans on June 7 .. just before their release of the new iphone. anyone on the old plan can keep it, this only applies to new clients or ones that change the plan.

add data services to phone plans:
$25/month with 2 gb limit.. overage is $10 per gb!!!!!!
$15/month with 200 mb limit .. overage is $15 per 200mb!!!!

that is going to put a big wet blanket on new iphone adopters.

our $10 fee .. so that EVO are a premium data user. (get priority on the network for speeds).. and unlimited cap... is feeling much better. :D
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First off, outstanding thread.

As for the quote,
a few years ago Sprint had such a bad reputation between dropped calls, bad customer service, no nice phones etc etc, but in all the years I've been with them I have no complaints. But for those that did experience the bad side of Sprint, it is very hard to get over it, as well as word of (bad) mouthing. Its hard trying to get out of a bad reputation even though the company has turned 180 degrees and is much more better than ever before. Its just like Hyundai. Bad reputation for such a long time and look at them now, with numerous car and driver, JP Power awards out the wazoo. Sprint is getting there, and the others are aware that the little monkey on their back is now a gorilla about to pounce with new phones, great plans and great service.

TS out (getting a banana)
people never want to believe me when i say sprint has the 2nd largest 3g network...some people are just stuck on att thinkin git is the greatest thing ever
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Technically since 98% of their customers supposedly use less than 2GB a month, then they're actually reducing people's rates by $5.


Saw quite a few people check their data useage on their accounts on another board, and all but one were WELL under 2GB/month (which means they'll save money by switching). The one guy that was over said he streams online radio all day, even during his commute, and uses the phone's data pretty much from sun up to sun down.

I'm no fan of AT&T, but this is a price break for most of their customers.
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Its just like Hyundai. Bad reputation for such a long time and look at them now, with numerous car and driver, JP Power awards out the wazoo.

Funny that you say this. I also just recently bought a 2011 Hyundai Sonata. If you would have told me 2 years ago that I'd be driving a Hyundai, I would have laughed at you. It's a GREAT car, and for a great deal though. Looking forward to the same thing from Sprint.
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This is going to hurt ATT for months. And I hope Sprint just continues to point out things like Our $79.99 is worth more than their $79.99 ....

I knew this was coming. Been saying it on these forums for months now. I didn't have final details, but I had an insider alluding to me that the new plans would be uncapped. I didn't realize he actually meant uncapped meant the only cap would be what you can afford on the new plan.

This will be tremendously unpopular with people even if they don't use anywhere near 5GB data (they can still keep their current plan, but it won't allow full use of the new iPhone and may not even be an option with the new iPhone). Why? Because people thought the current plan was high but fair. Dropping it $5 and significantly lowering the included data amount is incredibly disproportionate.

Ironically, I think ATT announced this first so that VZW has to come with something more data-friendly/cheaper for the LTE iPhone race. Can't see VZW liking even this plan because I predict they go with a similar but higher-priced tiering structure.
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Glad I'm leaving AT&T to come to Sprint for an EVO!

Contrary to most claims, I have actually had great service with AT&T, no complaints at all. My complaint is that they are way too iPhone-centric. They don't care about anything but the iPhone, and have lacked on decent Android and WinMo devices (I'm coming from a WinMo phone). Oh well...I'm leaving AT&T and hopefully won't be looking back!
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Right, but once their current contract is up I doubt they'd let them keep their old plan. If they had any intention of renewing when ohhhh the new iPhone drops soon they'll be forced to get one of the new data options.

Wait until the introduce this as the iPhone tax. I'm betting that these plans will be required if purchasing/getting the new iPhone.
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This helps ALL carriers equally- except At&t. Not just Sprint. At&t need to be careful, since when the iPhone (bleh) goes to other carriers, such disparity will kill At&t. If there IS disparity and other carriers to not collude by next year, of course.

VZW will announce something similar in the future. I think they're going to let ATT take some hits first, probably at least through mid-summer.

Sprint and TMo will benefit a lot as long as they stay in their positions as value providers.

The expectation that ATT and VZW are going to have to live up to is 100% reliability and true high-speed network capabilities and phones to match these pricing premiums. I just don't see that happening.

If Sprint can capitalize and exceed expectations in reliability and introduction of Wimax markets, they'll also ensure themselves at THE 4G carrier at least until 2012.

These events are awesome.
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lol.... iphone users can't use their phones for calls, and, now, can't use their phones for data either???? wow at&t...

clearly something has gone over my head, but what do you mean iphone users can't make phone calls...i'm assuming this statement has to mean natively or something yes? do they need an app or something to make calls...i talk to iphone people on the phone, so i'm obviously ignorant to something...please enlighten me
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Right, but once their current contract is up I doubt they'd let them keep their old plan. If they had any intention of renewing when ohhhh the new iPhone drops soon they'll be forced to get one of the new data options.

You obviously didn't read the message you replied to. You are incorrect.

It is clearly stated in AT&T's announcement that ALL EXISTING CUSTOMERS CAN KEEP WHAT THEY HAVE EVEN IF THEY RENEW THEIR CONTRACT (ie. for a new iPhone upgrade/purchase/swap whatever). I don't know why that is so hard to understand. This only applies to NEW SUBS (and, I assume, people who don't have a data plan and add one after the set date).

Once again: If you currently have the "unlimited" data plan on AT&T you can keep it even if you renew your contract or change phones."

This is from the AT&T press release:
"Current AT&T subscribers will be allowed to keep the unlimited plan, even if they renew their contracts. But all new subscribers will have to choose one of the two new plans."
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They are hosing their customers!! Not only did they up the ETF yesterday for those that may leave contracts for Sprint, now they Sync the new data usage plan to begin the day Steve Jobs is making a huge keynote announcement about OS4 and the iPhone 4...

So...screw the ones that leave you and complicate the lives of those that stay. Nice AT&T...nice.

The new ETF is for people thats sign up with ATT starting in June. Not those that already have iphones.
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The new ETF is for people thats sign up with ATT starting in June. Not those that already have iphones.

That is incorrect. The new ETF is for ANYONE (new or existing customers) who buys a Smartphone from AT&T starting now. The new DATA PLANS are only for NEW SUBSCRIBERS (or old subs getting data for the first time).

So much incorrect information is being disseminated.
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Something that no one's pointed out yet, but I think is a big deal:

This applies to the iPad as well. This means that the iPad had unlimited data available for what, 1-2months?

The iPad is not a phone. It's a lot more data centric and I'd expect, on average, quite a bit more more data usage on it.

I've thought about getting a 3G iPad, just because the data connection would be built in. Now, if I did get an iPad, I'd just get the WiFi version and tether it to my EVO.

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Funny that you say this. I also just recently bought a 2011 Hyundai Sonata. If you would have told me 2 years ago that I'd be driving a Hyundai, I would have laughed at you. It's a GREAT car, and for a great deal though. Looking forward to the same thing from Sprint.
I'm a co-admin of one of the biggest automotive forums on the planet and trust me when I say that even there I don't get respect being a Hyundai owner. lol It's hard shaking that bad reputation, but as long as I feel comfortable knowing I am driving one hell of a car/suv (Santa Fe), at a great price with stuff that would cost me ten times more than other manufacturers and a great warranty, nothing else matters. The same thing with Sprint and the EVO. Great network, great service, best phone, great plans.
I'm part of the Now network and its EVOlution, until the sequel comes out. EVOlution 2 - Revenge of the Sprinters, the Dan Hesse story. lol

TS out (getting some popcorn)
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Did people get to keep their old plan when they went to the 3G and their data plan price jumped? I don't see why the new iPhone will be something different - the precedent has been set. Guess we'll find out next week.
Geez .... the new iPhone is different because AT&T said "Current AT&T subscribers will be allowed to keep the unlimited plan, even if they renew their contracts. But all new subscribers will have to choose one of the two new plans". They didn't state that on the original to 3G change. Helllllo ...... anyone home?
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