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Great day for the Evo 4G and Sprint

Eh it will be a nice battle...and the EVO surely helps Sprint. BUT there are still masses of iPhone users for AT&T, and the EVO isnt enough alone to overtake AT&T.

Now, if the rumors are true...and from Jobs own quote, that the iPhone could end up on 2 US Carriers....

Even if the other carrier isnt Sprint, it will destroy AT&T's market enormously....that alone could bring AT&T down to 3rd place.

I don't want to see iPhone on Sprint, and I don't think Apple will either. Can't see Jobs and the Apple board explaining how iPhone on Sprint at much better plan pricing (assuming Sprint stays as the value provider) while leaving it at high-cost ATT. Also don't see Sprint being able to give the concessions Apple will demand because Sprint doesn't have the $ or subscriber base to absorb the upfront losses.
Just to be sure...If you are using wi-fi to download and browse stuff, that wouldn't cause at * t users to go over there 2 GB cap on data right?

It's only if you are using the 3G from Att
I don't want to see iPhone on Sprint, and I don't think Apple will either. Can't see Jobs and the Apple board explaining how iPhone on Sprint at much better plan pricing (assuming Sprint stays as the value provider) while leaving it at high-cost ATT. Also don't see Sprint being able to give the concessions Apple will demand because Sprint doesn't have the $ or subscriber base to absorb the upfront losses.

That is good thinking....but lets not forget, Jobs want his iPhone to strictly stay the Apple product it is.

No way that would happen with Verizon, its the main reason the iPhone wasnt on Verizon in the first place. And it is well not Verizon likes to handicap things forcing users to use their software/apps....GPS is one case.

So the only logical winner I see here is T-Mobile, and its the easiest, since it wouldnt take much to make a T-Mobile model.
Ok, first.

Just to get this straight.
There is a difference between GB and Gb. There is a difference between MB and Mb.

Your 41 MB song is actually 328 Mbs in size.

You see one MB= 1 Megabyte. One Mb=Megabite. 8 Megabits =1 megabyte.

So to hit 1 gigabite you would need 3-41 megabyte files. There is a huge difference between Mb and MB.

That is why I ask about if it was gigabite or gigabyte.

All the email I send have attachments, all of them.


I appreciate that asinine lesson in file sizes, but it was blatantly obvious the person in question was referring to gigabytes (GB). You referred to your e-mails being in MB so I would assume you would be using the only file size standard that makes any sense in a conversation about a 2 gigabye a month limit.

I'd still like to know exactly what songs you are downloading at around 41 MB each (or if you prefer 328 Mb), or if you are just making this up as you go along.
That is good thinking....but lets not forget, Jobs want his iPhone to strictly stay the Apple product it is.

No way that would happen with Verizon, its the main reason the iPhone wasnt on Verizon in the first place. And it is well not Verizon likes to handicap things forcing users to use their software/apps....GPS is one case.

So the only logical winner I see here is T-Mobile, and its the easiest, since it wouldnt take much to make a T-Mobile model.

He needs this phone to sell until LTE is ready. I still think VZWs in play because of that. I also think VZW will back off just to get iPhone. They know they made a tremendous mistake not getting it exclusively the first time. I don't think VZW will hold back selling other phones like ATT did, but they'll give in to Apple's demands. They have over 92+ million customers, which is the single biggest market Apple can access.

I think Apple will keep ATT as a GSM client just to keep existing phones alive and selling for another 1-2 years.
Originally Posted by RiverOfIce
Ok, first.

Just to get this straight.
There is a difference between GB and Gb. There is a difference between MB and Mb.

Your 41 MB song is actually 328 Mbs in size.

You see one MB= 1 Megabyte. One Mb=Megabite. 8 Megabits =1 megabyte.

So to hit 1 gigabite you would need 3-41 megabyte files. There is a huge difference between Mb and MB.

That is why I ask about if it was gigabite or gigabyte.

All the email I send have attachments, all of them.


I appreciate that asinine lesson in file sizes, but it was blatantly obvious the person in question was referring to gigabytes (GB). You referred to your e-mails being in MB so I would assume you would be using the only file size standard that makes any sense in a conversation about a 2 gigabye a month limit.

I'd still like to know exactly what songs you are downloading at around 41 MB each (or if you prefer 328 Mb), or if you are just making this up as you go along.

All of these numbers are in bytes not bits. (BTW, there is no such thing as a megabite. It's megabyte and megabit). Your 8 MB emails are way outside the norm.
As an soon to be ex AT&T customer who just got off the phone with their cust service regarding this:), the old ETF was $175:(; the new one is $350:eek: and only affects any NEW contacts signed beginning June 1, 2010.:) Also, the ETF decreases $5 per line monthly as you get closer to fufilling the terms of the contract.:D

Since I my contact was renewed when I was "upgraded" in December 2008 (Sucka MF's automatically change contract date while refusing me a free replacement for faulty iPhone number 3:mad::mad::mad:), my contract now ends in December 2010.:mad:

Another thing to keep in mind is AT&T bills a month ahead.... so in my case I have already paid my monthly AT&T bill ($155); my ETF is down to $90.:) After I port over to Sprint, AT&T will have to close out my account and give me a credit pro rated for June.:D They will apply the portion of credit to my ETF and send me a check for the remainder.:D:D

Kinda long winded, but I thought this would help clear up any confusion.;):):D

anyone else got a hankering for some skittles? taste the rainbow
So let's start the bet pool on when Sprint (and Verizon and T-mobile, etc.) follow suit. Folks, you're missing the big picture. I bet that by October, we see Sprint and Verizon with capped plans, also. Shall we put an EVO in as the prize? (The EVO *may* be immune due to the $10 EVO tax, but between that and the AT&T move, you see what's coming, right? Every phone that's meant for data use will have a tax on it for "unlimited data." Since one cannot choose to not pay the tax, we're all paying more for unlimited data, now. So wait, maybe Sprint was the first company to get rid of unlimited data "included in the plan" on high-end phones...)

This is less about screwing customers than about a major shift in how we pay for data connections. We're on the way to metered/tiered use unless there is push back by customers.
I would rather pay for speed caps and not data caps.
Heck I pay an extra $5 a month for my high speed cable and don't mind.
Think of this, once LTE/WIMAX has 85% national coverage why even have a "cell phone" any device cable of accessing wireless can become a mobile phone as long has it has a speaker and microphone. Invest in VOIP providers FTW!
Its funny, now looking back at yesterday....it was a great day for Sprint and the EVO.

AT&T kicks themselves in the own butt causing an uproar, and possible subscriber loss.

HP's CEO just kicked Palm in the butt "we didnt buy Palm to be in the smartphone business" mass PRE owners went into an uproar and now possibly will switch to Android and EVO.

Sprint launches EVO's FIRST commercial.

Yup, sounds like a great day for Sprint.
AT&T's new pricing takes smartphones to the masses | Signal Strength - CNET News

News people are trying to put a good at&t spin on this. However, mac forums iPhone - Mac Forums are having a real debate over this move. I know people want to believe all iphone users are fanboys, but many are not.

I read a few of those post and it seems like the fanboys are okay with the move. Down with the data hogs. All this means to me is ATT is trying to prepare for the new influx is 4g iphone users.
This is less about screwing customers than about a major shift in how we pay for data connections. We're on the way to metered/tiered use unless there is push back by customers.

Historically, all access services (landlines, Internet, cell talk time) have started out with metering and gone onto unlimited plans, as technological / infrastructure progress made that possible. Mobile data is sort of an exception in that it started out with an unlimited data and now we see a major carrier changing course. It is reasonable to expect most other major carriers to follow suit, as otherwise, they will encounter adverse selection when the heaviest users migrate to the ones that don't have a limit.

However, if history is a reliable indicator, then in the long run technological progress and infrastructure advancement will likely bring back the unlimited plans.
So let's start the bet pool on when Sprint (and Verizon and T-mobile, etc.) follow suit. Folks, you're missing the big picture. I bet that by October, we see Sprint and Verizon with capped plans, also. Shall we put an EVO in as the prize? (The EVO *may* be immune due to the $10 EVO tax, but between that and the AT&T move, you see what's coming, right? Every phone that's meant for data use will have a tax on it for "unlimited data." Since one cannot choose to not pay the tax, we're all paying more for unlimited data, now. So wait, maybe Sprint was the first company to get rid of unlimited data "included in the plan" on high-end phones...)

This is less about screwing customers than about a major shift in how we pay for data connections. We're on the way to metered/tiered use unless there is push back by customers.
This is less about screwing customers- no this is just about screwing customers and i doubt sprint will ever do it because if they do they will loose customers and by staying the way they are they will gain customers
hhhmmm... me thinking out loud...

prices always go up ... inflation and all that...

but this year.. sprint lowered the service plan cost!
I think they realized...it was too low and this is one way to get $$ back and since the EVO will use more data ...(premium data access).

They are trying to attract more clients. The lower price plan will get the the regular phone clients (most). This evo charge will be for the high-end cleints and at an added profit. it is just good marketing, but sucks for us.

taking into account the big picture; with all the other providers and their over all costs.
We are still cheaper and with not-so-bad service.
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