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Help Group texts - can't seem to manage it!?


Nov 6, 2010

I've had my Atrix for a few days now and love it apart from the fact that I can't seem to get it to send group texts efficiently. This is a major part of my business so I really need to be able to get it to work. I currently have all of my contacts syncing between my Google account and the Atrix which is working well.

I set up a group in my google contacts which, again, synced fine. I have installed around 5 different apps from the Market which say that they will send group sms easily (including Handcent and Chompsms). The main problem I had with most of them is that they didn't use the mobile number of the contact as the primary number (even though I went through each contact and set the mobile number as primary!) so it was trying to send a text to a house phone.

I then created three separate groups on the Atrix (which is a bit of a pain as I'd like to be able to send it to all the contacts in one go) and then sent the same text to each of the groups using the standard app on the phone. This seemed to work fine for the first two groups, then I got an error when sending to the last group. saying that there were "a large number of texts being sent" and I had to press "ok" or cancel. I still wanted to send the text out, so pressed "ok" for all 30 of the contacts. It then seemed to send the text twice to some contacts which they weren't happy with!

I then left it and thought it was ok. I looked online for the "large number of texts" error as I can't have the phone sending the same text to the same contacts all the time or having to press "ok" 100 times! It seems that there is no clear answer as to why the error appears though some people are thinking it's because there is a limit on the phone of 100/sms per hour but I'm not sure if that's the case. I just need the error to go away and not ask me to press anything?!

To add to the problem, I've turned my phone on this morning and it's just sent the same text from last night to most of my contacts - some of them twice!! It was 6am here so I'm not sure any of my clients will be happy with that!

I really do love this phone but this is the one thing that should be easy to do and I've wasted so much time trying to do it. I've come from a BlackBerry which was horrible and nothing like the lovely Atrix BUT as I send numerous group texts each week, the BB can do this easily with no fuss and the Atrix is really struggling.

I'm going to give Motorola a call when they wake up and will check with my service provider that it's nothing they have set up (but the sim and contract is straight from the BB so can't think that that's a problem) and see what they can do to help but wanted to see if you guys had any ideas...


Michelle x
I am interested in this also. I have GroupSMS and it has seemed to work ok. The only problem is after you create a group, if you want to edit that group, you have ALL of your contacts (from your phone) plus the ones for that group there with just the members highlighted. For example, one of my groups has 19 coaches in it, but if I want to edit it, ALL 540 of my contacts are there and I have to scroll. There is no option to go to ALL of my contacts to add. I just want to see my 19 coaches and then add to it, not have to see ALL 540 and scroll to see who is there AND add to it. I hope this makes sense. I came over from an iPhone 4 and 3G and it was much simpler using an app with the same name, but obviously on a different platform.
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