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Help GTA III on the Triumph?

Thanks for this. It seems to be working great so far. At least Backstab HD now no longer says the game is incompatible.

Had an odd thing happen though. When I rebooted after updating the Thunderbolt prop, my app drawer was completely empty except for Backstab in Launcher Pro Plus. I went into the regular launcher, same thing. I also had Go Launcher EX installed, and that drawer was full. Then I went back to LPP and it's drawer had come back too.

Odd, but it's working.

Never had that issue because I use stock launcher. I'm gonna guess that you had that occur because with Thunderprop, apps recognize your phone as the Thunderbolt. The apps probably just had to refresh to recognize and work with the new prop.
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Never had that issue because I use stock launcher. I'm gonna guess that you had that occur because with Thunderprop, apps recognize your phone as the Thunderbolt. The apps probably just had to refresh to recognize and work with the new prop.

I actually had it happen again when I installed another app from the web Market from a PC. I wrote a long explanation in the ThunderProp thread so I won't repeat it here.

Basically my solution was to go into LPP's settings, turn on 3D app drawer and turn it back off.
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Crap updated then tried the game for the first time, locks up after playing a few minutes.

Ouch. Sorry to hear that. I went and read some of the comments before I updated and saw people were complaining about lockups after the update. Figured a backup would be a good idea.

Hopefully they fix the lockups in another update soon.
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Ouch. Sorry to hear that. I went and read some of the comments before I updated and saw people were complaining about lockups after the update. Figured a backup would be a good idea.

Hopefully they fix the lockups in another update soon.

Just downloaded Modern Combat 3... I dont know if it was the person i was connected to.. or what but it was kinda laggy and like took awhile to be smooth.. even was OC'd to 1.5 on performance gov..

ill try single player later..

but GTA 3 is the best game for android atm
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can someone please help i tried looking for it on my triumph and it didnt have it so i checked on the computer and it said incompatible but i have an app called 4 sync that gets free game and i downloaded it and it was downloading to files and when it got to about seventy percert it will stop and say check your connection but my device had good signal this is one of my favoite games of all time and i see that we all have the same phone and yall have the game and i realy want it so can someone please help me
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can someone please help i tried looking for it on my triumph and it didnt have it so i checked on the computer and it said incompatible but i have an app called 4 sync that gets free game and i downloaded it and it was downloading to files and when it got to about seventy percert it will stop and say check your connection but my device had good signal this is one of my favoite games of all time and i see that we all have the same phone and yall have the game and i realy want it so can someone please help me

you have to use wifi during the large game update download and dont let the phone go to sleep while its downloading
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