Steven58 Former Heavyweight Champion of Android Forums Moderator Friday at 4:10 PM #12,027 NUPE OLBRIAR?
Steven58 Former Heavyweight Champion of Android Forums Moderator Monday at 12:15 PM #12,030 Negatory unforgiven, SIR!
Steven58 Former Heavyweight Champion of Android Forums Moderator Monday at 8:43 PM #12,035 Steven it is! olbriARRRRR???
Unforgiven ...eschew obfuscation... Administrator Tuesday at 6:27 AM #12,037 Merry Christmas Eve!!! olbriar
Steven58 Former Heavyweight Champion of Android Forums Moderator Tuesday at 9:40 AM #12,038 Merry Christmas Eve!!! Milo?
Steven58 Former Heavyweight Champion of Android Forums Moderator Tuesday at 5:34 PM #12,040 Twas the night before Christmas Olbriar (safe bet)