Android Expert
How To Fix Your SHFT Error Bug
• Apk Tool for decompiling and recompiling
• Notepad++ for Editng Xml's
Please Note:
This Guide only works if you got these 3 lines in your UOT SHFT Error LOG
/home/uotftp/port5/data/working_dir/UOT-01-23-17-01-2/su_dec/res/values/arrays.xml:15: error: Found tag reference-array where item is expected
/home/uotftp/port5/data/working_dir/UOT-01-23-17-01-2/su_dec/res/values/public.xml:232: error: Public symbol array/shutdown_reboot_actions declared here is not defined.
/home/uotftp/port5/data/working_dir/UOT-01-23-17-01-2/su_dec/res/values/public.xml:231: error: Public symbol array/shutdown_reboot_options declared here is not defined.
Step 1
Grab the SystemUI.apk that you are trying to theme with UOT but keep getting the SHFT error with and decompile it. Once you decompile the APK Navigate to /Res/Values and open up the xml file name "Arrays.xml".
Find and delete the text that is highlighted above.
Once Deleted your file should now look like this, Save it.
Step 2
Now that you have edited and saved your new Arrays.xml open up Public.xml in the same folder where you found the Arrays.xml "/res/values".
Delete the 2 Highlighted lines below in the picture and save the public.xml
Once Deleted your file should now look like this, Save it.
Step 3
Recompile the Systemui and then use the edited SystemUI.apk with uot along with your framework-res.apk that you are using. When UOT is done with your theme backtrack the guide and re-add the deleted lines in the arrays.xml and public.xml IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT YOU FOUND THEM
then sign the apk and put it in a and flash.