Used to be anything more than a six shooter ...
Todays handguns are most all made to have 15 rounds as "normal" capacity.
A long arm with a fixed magazine is still held to a limit, (5 or 6 ?), but a detachable mag weapon is open for whatever capacity the magazine used.
The weapon is not a high capacity it is the ammo storage feeding device that determines how many rounds that weapon can fire.
We tried the assault weapons/high capacity magazine ban back with Clinton, it was allowed to "sunset", as it proved to be not instrumental in accomplishing anything.
The AR 15 shoots a 223/5.56 round if that is the configuration for such weapon, (they come in several calibers) ((the 223/5.56 has been the caliber in all of the recent shootings))
This is a 223/5.56 rifle, is this an assault weapon ?
This is an AR 15 223/5.56 rifle :
Same bullet same results when used on humans.
Beside cosmetic difference they are the exact same weapon !
Why are we afraid of something that "looks" like it is scary ?