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Handcent gets better and better!

I have tried and tried to get the stock txt message pop-up from displaying while using Handcent. I have message notifications turned OFF in settings, but I STILL get 2 notifications for a txt. 1 from stock, 1 from Handcent. I've been on Stock 2.0, Sholes, and now Bugless Beast and I'm still getting 2 notifications. Has anyone else had this issue?
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hmm, just been rumbled!

I sent a valentines message to 3 girls using handsent, the only problem is when you send an animated message to a group of people, for some reason the message includes all of the numbers you just sent to. I just had a call saying "ooh that message was so cute, shame im not that special to you..."


be warned guys
Upvote 0
hmm, just been rumbled!

I sent a valentines message to 3 girls using handsent, the only problem is when you send an animated message to a group of people, for some reason the message includes all of the numbers you just sent to. I just had a call saying "ooh that message was so cute, shame im not that special to you..."


be warned guys

Serves you right. ;)
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hmm, just been rumbled!

I sent a valentines message to 3 girls using handsent, the only problem is when you send an animated message to a group of people, for some reason the message includes all of the numbers you just sent to. I just had a call saying "ooh that message was so cute, shame im not that special to you..."


be warned guys

Bwa! :D
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Ha, I can't believe people are seriously complaining about the ad. I was worried upgrading because my phone has a fairly small screen, so I was concerned I wouldn't be able to see as much in threads. The ad is one line in the freakin' settings menu. Seriously, how often do people go into the settings once they have it set up the way they like?
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yea i backed it up with astro before i updated because everyone was saying the update was slow. The speed wasnt the issue and i didnt mind the ad either, but i dont need to scroll through 100+ contacts from my fb that i dont talk to on a regular basis when picking a contact. Im back on 2.9.30 till theres an option to turn facebook off
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has anyone noticed the newer version has an ad at the top of the settings menu?? good thing ive got adfree so it kills the ads

Too bad it still leaves an ugly white box though. Would be real useful if it removed that entirely so on things like Dolphin you could have that extra space for a bookmark or whatever. I guess you can't have it all, huh?
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Too bad it still leaves an ugly white box though. Would be real useful if it removed that entirely so on things like Dolphin you could have that extra space for a bookmark or whatever. I guess you can't have it all, huh?

yea i noticed that.. takes up room that could easily fit another option in its spot.
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i don't have a problem with the ad and think it is pretty much a non-issue given its location. my complaint is that an ad was presented in the app and no pay/donate version was introduced for those who may not want an ad. Further, according to the dev, a non-ad version won't even be considered until the next major release (3.0 or whatever) if they decide to provide one.

It's always nice to have the option of not having an ad, however unobtrusive it is, and i prefer to pay/donate anyway (even when an app is free I usually make a donation if i decide to keep it).
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